I'm out to stop them, period. As we all should, through education so we don't have to "defend ourselves" for the rest of our lives. I [do not] research particle physics because it's neat. The DoD, NOAA, DOE and DARPA are twisting quantum particle physics to control the weather, to suppress humans with genome and weaponized nanotechnology research.
I take this personal. I have watched many of my pets die from these poisonous electromagnetic aerosols through "mysterious" diseases. I have facebook friends telling me they're losing family members. Yes, I take this personal.
There is no fame or fortune to be had. To contemplate the treatment you first have to make the diagnosis.
"Modelling the optical and radiative properties of freshly emitted light absorbing carbon within an atmospheric chemical transport model"
"Light absorbing carbon (LAC) aerosols have a complex, fractal-like aggregate structure. Their optical and radiative properties are notoriously difficult to model, and approximate methods may introduce large errors both in the interpretation of aerosol remote sensing observations, and in quantifying the direct radiative forcing effect of LAC. In this paper a numerically exact method for solving Maxwell's equations is employed for computing the optical properties of freshly emitted, externally mixed LAC aggregates. The computations are performed at wavelengths of 440 nm and 870 nm, and they cover the entire size range relevant for modelling these kinds of aerosols. The method for solving the electromagnetic scattering and absorption problem for aggregates proves to be sufficiently stable and fast to make accurate multiple-band computations of LAC optical properties feasible. The results from the electromagnetic computations are processed such that they can readily be integrated into a chemical transport model (CTM), which is a prerequisite for constructing robust observation operators for chemical data assimilation of aerosol optical observations. A case study is performed, in which results obtained with the coupled optics/CTM model are employed as input to detailed radiative transfer computations at a polluted European location. It is found that the still popular homogeneous sphere approximation significantly underestimates the radiative forcing at top of atmosphere as compared to the results obtained with the aggregate model. Notably, the LAC forcing effect predicted with the aggregate model is less than that one obtains by assuming a prescribed mass absorption cross section for LAC."
"The results from the electromagnetic computations are processed such that they can readily be integrated into a chemical transport model (CTM), which is a prerequisite for constructing robust observation operators for chemical data assimilation of aerosol optical observations"
In truth, "electromagnetic computations integrated into a chemical transport model, which is a prerequisite for robust chemical aerosol observations as input to detailed radiative transfer"
Radiative transfer is the key player to how they're creating and controlling the weather. HAARP's electromagnetic radiation technologies is hiding behind radiative transfer, thus becoming the [artificial] radiative forcing.
"Modeling electromagnetic wave propagation in the troposphere using the parabolic equation"
"A computational method is described for predicting electromagnetic wave propagation in the troposphere using the parabolic approximation of the Helmholtz wave equation. The model represents propagation over a spherical, finitely conducting Earth and allows specification of frequency, polarization, antenna pattern, antenna altitude, and elevation angle. The method enables calculations to be performed using either ideal or measured refractivity profiles that vary in both altitude and range."
Rewritten with all their own words to bring about some truth that we need. Either that, or I work for them. [joke]
What do you think?
""The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project HAARP) heater has been used to generate Extremely Low Frequency and Very Low Frequency ELF/VLF) electromagnetic radiation in the lower ionosphere since March 1999. The HAARP beam modulates the conductivity of the ionospheric plasma in a region where a small ambient electric field exists. This produces a modulated distribution of currents that primarily radiate at the modulation frequency.
The aircraft electrospray ionization positive ion production in the atmosphere in the motion of parcels of air ("puffs") over time for the polarized aerosol radiative forcing impact on the climate for the coupling between dynamics, radiation and chemistry for forecasting chemical-weather on arbitrarily resolved horizontal grids (and curvilinear/singular lines). With electromagnetic aerosol particles serving as refractivity profiles for propagation over a spherical, finitely conducting Earth atmosphere which allows specification of HAARP's frequencies, polarizations, antenna patterns, antenna altitudes, and elevation angles which include 3-GHz propagation over a calm sea in the presence of both range-dependent and range-independent surface-based ducts as well as in standard atmosphere conditions. The electromagnetic aerosol campaigns also show that a simple distributed current source coupled with free space propagation reasonably approximates the Finite Difference Time Domain predicted in ground-based electromagnetic fields with micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS-smart dust)."

"A computational method is described for predicting electromagnetic wave propagation in the troposphere using the parabolic approximation of the Helmholtz wave equation. The model represents propagation over a spherical, finitely conducting Earth and allows specification of frequency, polarization, antenna pattern, antenna altitude, and elevation angle. The method enables calculations to be performed using either ideal or measured refractivity profiles that vary in both altitude and range."
Rewritten with all their own words to bring about some truth that we need. Either that, or I work for them. [joke]
What do you think?
""The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project HAARP) heater has been used to generate Extremely Low Frequency and Very Low Frequency ELF/VLF) electromagnetic radiation in the lower ionosphere since March 1999. The HAARP beam modulates the conductivity of the ionospheric plasma in a region where a small ambient electric field exists. This produces a modulated distribution of currents that primarily radiate at the modulation frequency.
The aircraft electrospray ionization positive ion production in the atmosphere in the motion of parcels of air ("puffs") over time for the polarized aerosol radiative forcing impact on the climate for the coupling between dynamics, radiation and chemistry for forecasting chemical-weather on arbitrarily resolved horizontal grids (and curvilinear/singular lines). With electromagnetic aerosol particles serving as refractivity profiles for propagation over a spherical, finitely conducting Earth atmosphere which allows specification of HAARP's frequencies, polarizations, antenna patterns, antenna altitudes, and elevation angles which include 3-GHz propagation over a calm sea in the presence of both range-dependent and range-independent surface-based ducts as well as in standard atmosphere conditions. The electromagnetic aerosol campaigns also show that a simple distributed current source coupled with free space propagation reasonably approximates the Finite Difference Time Domain predicted in ground-based electromagnetic fields with micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS-smart dust)."

A computational method is described for predicting electromagnetic wave propagat...See More
Source: Pete Ramon
Source: Pete Ramon
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