The issue of air, water and soil contamination should be #1 Priority with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Obviously the EPA is a defunct agency and is receiving over 8.1 Billion $ per year to operate. This is an agency that needs to be dissolved. Any country paying dues and offering support to the UN and/or the WHO should cease and desist as these organizations are allowing the continued and aggressive use of the aerial spraying and the HAARP.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Go to 5min30secs and listen.... geo engineer talks about aluminum dumping from the sky and what will happen when people begin to learn about it.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Soldiers are needed at home.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
HURRICANE SANDY: The HAARP and Aerosol Geoengineered Storm of the Century
Steering Hurricanes and modifying intensity a goal of the Department of Homeland Security.
In Aug 2008, THE TELEGRAPH reported that US scientists “believe they can weaken the strength of tropical storms and steer them off course using a range of methods that include spraying fine particles into hurricanes or cooling the sea water in areas where they form.”
Like 9/11, Frankenstorm Sandy could more accurately described as a coordinated exercise than an unplanned disaster.
“What emerges is a clear record of media, government, military and inter-agency secrecy and complicity not acknowledged since the Manhattan Project” – H. Saive
This morning (Oct 30th), US NEWS reported that InfoWars, TheIntelHub , and ConsfearacyNewz had published a “conspiracy theory” that alleged Obama had used HAARP to engineer Hurricane SANDY in order to guarantee his re-election to a second term. (source)
But conspicuous by it’s absence was mention of a documented aerosol geoengineering program carried out by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under project “HAMP”. (Hurricane Aerosol Microphysics Program)
A stunning admission was announced at one session that revealed aerosol geoengineering was used to modify the intensity and possible storm track of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. (source)
The public deserves to know that President Obama and corporate media – including the Weather Channel – had advance knowledge that SANDY would be subjected to intense aerosol geoengineering and possible HAARP manipulation in order to assure targeted intensity and land-fall in the Northeast United States.
Like 9/11, Frankenstorm Sandy is more accurately described as a coordinated exercize than an unplanned disaster
This video examines the conditions affecting hurricane Sandy immediately before and during land-fall. – One objective is to learn how to distinguish between geoengineering aerosols and normal cumulus clouds.
See the previous updates on Frankenstorm – Hurricane SANDY – HERE
INTEL HUB(Related Story) – Hi Resolution MODIS Satellite Image Click Here
USA4 Subset – Terra metadata for 2012/303 (10/29/12)
date: 2012303 (10/29/12)
satellite: Terra
satellite: Terra
5 minute swath data used for this image:
14:55 UTC
15:00 UTC
16:35 UTC
16:40 UTC
14:55 UTC
15:00 UTC
16:35 UTC
16:40 UTC
Operation HAMP Creates FrankenStorm SANDY
hurricane sandy,
weather modification
Friday, October 26, 2012
Chemtrail/Geoengineering Programs discussed on the Discovery Channel 14 Minutes |
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Largest Stand Ever
August 17 at 1:00pm until August 19 at 6:00pm
The Largest Stand Ever Against Chemtrails!
- Live in LA + Live Online Globally
- 17 Experts
- Premier of "Why in They World Are They Spraying"
- Chemtrails & GMO Connection Exposed
(with Jeffrey M Smith from "Seeds of Deception")
**This is a non-profit fundraiser** Join us at this long overdue, long awaited show of Unity for our anti-Chemtrails movement. This will be a monumental event - no doubt! |
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Bacteria, Fungus & Parasites
How to Help Get Rid of the Bacteria, Fungus & Parasites Sprayed On Us From Chemtrails
(Adults ONLY for Now...)
(Adults ONLY for Now...)
Its like a bell curve in terms of results based on your diet (alkaline vs acidic), lifestyle and geographic may not see much at first...please keep at it! Blessings,, Dave
(1) Brush your teeth and tongue
(2) Floss your teeth (if you're not an avid flosser then floss again and perhaps again 2-3 times)
(3) Mix up some warm water, some lemon juice and some salt and gargle for a few minutes
(4) Mix two table spoons of red wine (organic is best, merlot is a good choice but red wine) with one table spoon of hydrogen peroxide (be sure it is the 3% mix w/ 97% water) You can also try it with just wine or less than a tablespoon of H2O2 if the H202
(5) Gargle for exactly five minutes (find your favorite five minute youtube video to enjoy as you really swish and swirl and gargle, moving your tongue around your teeth and so not swallow but simply gargle
(6) Spit this red wine & hydrogen peroxide 2:1 tablespoon mix into a container/sink
(7) What do you see?
(8) Pour some of the red wine into a second container and compare
(9) Pour some of the red wine and hydrogen peroxide mix into a third container and compare
(10) Repeat procedure 3-5 times per day until you stop seeing what it was you saw the first time and if you like pick up a few of the samples with some sterilized tweezers and introduce them to garlic, lemon juice, tumeric, hot chili sauce, salt, sugar, and whatever acidic and alkaline foods you have on hand
(11) Between gargles keep a glass of warm water with some salt to rinse your mouth out more very careful not to over do it as too much of the Hydrogen Peroxide can burn the inside of your mouth; when you spit, lean forward and purse your lips as if to whistle and let the liquid drain slowly as you observe what is coming out; the very last part will be very foamy
(12) Be sure to eat lots of GARLIC and onions and AVOCADOS and YOGURT and TUMERIC and LEMONS....keep a glass of distilled or pure water with half a lemon in it and keep drinking it throughout the day.....also, you may notice your lymph nodes swell as the toxins accumulate so a good natural helper here is a glass of pure or distilled water with ½ table spoon sea salt and half a table spoon baking soda...also chewing on some raw ginger will help
"There's an old folk warning that if you throw a frog in boiling water he or she will quickly jump out. But if you put a frog in a pan of cold water and raise the temperature ever so slowly, the gradual warming will make the frog doze fact, the frog will eventually cook to death, without ever waking up.
The frog's body temperature follows its surroundings. If you put the frog directly in boiling water, it will sense the heat immediately and jump out. But when you heat the water slowly, the frog keeps adjusting to the rising temperature. When the heat is too much for the frog to take, it is too late. The frog collapses and dies.
The fable is also used by moralists as a cautionary tale warning against the folly of letting smaller wrongs just slip by or of falling into a pattern of small and seemingly harmless "sin" rather than disturb one's complacency enough to address these issues, thereby allowing "evil" to grow into a powerful force.
When used in this fashion, those being regaled with the anecdote are being cautioned against their moral inactivity or laxity leading to their someday finding themselves to be the frog engulfed in a deadly situation."
~ Anonymous
chemtrails chemtrail aerosol spraying chem trails chem trail chemtrails diet chemtrails solution chemtrails relief chemtrails red wine chemtrails red wine gargle
Learn more at:
aerosol spraying chem trails,
lemon juice,
red wine
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Consequences of Toxic Metals
Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals
New Zealand report reveals Chemtrails Linked To Outbreak Of Illnessesby Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri
For decades, we have known that heavy metals and chemicals can cause grave physical harm. Going back to Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring,” we have known and been amply warned of the serious consequences of using or being exposed to these poisons in our daily activities. Thousands of these are well-documented carcinogens.
Building on Carson’s ground-breaking research, we also know that certain kinds of chemicals can and do disrupt human [and other animals’] entire immune system. Going back 30 years, researchers were investigating what became known as endocrine [hormone] disrupting chemicals and how they were affecting frogs [who sometimes had five legs or hermaphroditic characteristics], other aquatic animals, and mammals. These animals were the proverbial canaries in the coal mine. In another pioneering book, “Our Stolen Future,” authors Dr. Theo Colburn, Dianne Dumanoski, and John Peterson Myers clearly demonstrate that 1 + 1 hormone-disrupting chemicals did not equal 2. Rather, in a nightmare of mathematical proportions, these poisons acted synergistically; and 1+1 could equal up to 1,600 times the original dose. We are also exposed to more than 100,000 chemicals regularly. Most of them have never been tested for human safety. So, almost nothing has been done to reduce human exposure to a myriad of hazardous chemicals. In fact, over the past decade, the Bush administration dismantled many environmental laws in existence for 30 years, to let corporations off the proverbial hook. [Just look at what’s unfolding in the Gulf with the BP oil spill.]
Although this information, on the dangers of hormone disruption, is now more widely available on Internet sites, it still is not well known by the average person who gets news mostly from mainstream media. (1)
Most of these highly toxic chemicals are invisible; and, therefore, are easily off our collective radar. With the high stress level created by the deliberately orchestrated financial crisis –where millions have lost their jobs and homes– a degraded/collapsing environment or serious health problems are not priorities –especially, if very little is reported in mainstream news. This disaster scenario is part of the larger picture of what Naomi Klein writes about in her book “The Shock Doctrine.” We have so many major crises, one after another, that it is hard just to keep up with one’s daily routine –let alone have time to read and consider the toxicological health ramifications of massive amounts of thousands of heavy metals and chemicals that have poisoned our entire food chain and, thus, our own supposed “health.” We are at the very top of this wrecked food chain.
Now, however, there is another far more insidious layer of toxicity that is not being addressed at all in any mainstream, corporate-controlled news, and it is affecting our very survival. It is, however, being addressed more and more by independent researchers who have supporting evidence to back up their Internet reports.
For more than a decade, first the United States and then Canada’s citizens have been subjected to a 24/7/365 day aerosol assault over our heads made of a toxic brew of poisonous heavy metals, chemicals, and other dangerous ingredients. None of this was reported by any mainstream media.
The US Department of Defense [DOD] and military have been systematically blanketing all our skies with what are known as Chemtrails (also known as Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering). (2)
These differ vastly from the usual plane contrails that evaporate rather quickly in the sky. Chemtrails do not dissipate. Rather, planes (fitted with special nozzles) release aerosols “lines” in the sky that do not evaporate. Multiple planes are deployed, flying parallel (or often “checkerboard” patterns) overhead; and soon the sky is blanketed with many grayish-white lines [miles and miles long, although this is changing]. At first, these lines are thin; but soon they expand and, in a short time, merge together. Our once-blue sky has vanished and has been replaced by a grayish-white toxic haze that blots out and greatly diminishes our usual sunshine.
Military and commercial planes are involved in more than 60 secret operations. Last year, when I flew across the country, I saw a United Airlines jet (flying below us at about 37,000 feet) spraying a black aerosol that went for miles and miles across the sky. This clandestine program now includes aerosol-spraying planes in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand [all NATO countries]. Hundreds (if not thousands) of people have called and written their public officials to get answers. Replies from US and Canadian officials are not forthcoming; or, if they do reply, queries are dismissed. This remains an ongoing, deliberate cover-up. No one is held accountable, while we continued to be poisoned daily. This is not the first time, however, that citizens are being used as experimental laboratory test subjects. The US government and its military have a very long and sordid history of using us, without informed consent, in this illegal manner. As Carole Pellatt notes:
The U.S. military has been spraying chemical and biological weapons in open air testing over civilian populations since the 1940’s. They are called “vulnerability tests”. This is not a controversial statement. The military has admitted to this practice on many occasions and there’s plenty of documentation from the government to corroborate it. There is also documentation of intentional, experimental releases of radiation on civilian populations. Unfortunately, this information tends to surface long after it could have saved lives, or eased the suffering of victims.(3)Over the past decade, independent testing of Chemtrails around the country has shown a dangerous, extremely poisonous brew that includes: barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, and polymer fibers. Barium can be compared to the toxicity of arsenic.(4) Barium is known to adversely affect the heart. Aluminum has a history of damaging brain function. Independent researchers and labs continue to show off-the-scale levels of these poisons. A few “anonymous” officials have acknowledged this on-going aerosol spraying.(5)
Numerous tests have been done to verify that these poisons are off the scale in their toxicity. They are documented in our water, in our soil, and in our air. For more than 10 years, researcher Clifford Carnicom has been valiantly and systematically reporting on the various detrimental aspects of these aerosols –and what they are doing to our entire environment, as well as our blood.(6) Various “sky watch” groups also have been carefully documenting and diligently reporting about these daily assaults.(7)
With all these poisons surrounding our every breath, it is not surprising to see a dramatic increase in illnesses. There are numerous reports of the increase in cardiac deaths and upper respiratory illnesses (asthma, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, and often multiple chronic illnesses). Chemtrails toxicity has already dramatically affected our deteriorating “collective health.” The significant increase in heart disease and various upper respiratory illnesses has been linked to a vast increase in “particulate matter” in our air.
This can be seen by some revealing statistics:
1. Coronary heart disease is now the leading cause of death in the US. According to the CDC, in 2006, 631,636 died of heart disease. This means 1 out of every 5 Americans are affected.(8)
In Canada, every seven minutes someone dies of heart disease.(9)
2. Asthma and upper respiratory illnesses. Between 100-150 million people suffer from asthma worldwide. In the US, 16.4 million adults have asthma and 7 million children have it. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema: 9.8 million Americans were diagnosed with chronic bronchitis this past year; for emphysema the figure is 3.8 million.(10) Total: 37 million Americans afflicted.
In Canada, 2.4 million have been diagnosed with asthma.
3. Particulate matter in air pollution. Particulate matter [PM] consists of tiny particles 10 microns or less. [1 micron is about 1/70 the thickness of a single human hair.] These particles can lodge in the deepest part of your lungs; and over a period of time, they can damage lung function. This kind of pollution, that we breathe daily, can and does cause various upper respiratory illnesses, coronary heart disease, and premature aging and death. Particulate matter can also exacerbate any existing illness.(11) Unanswered questions: Does hazardous particulate matter act in synergistic ways in human bodies (as do endocrine disrupting chemicals)? How does PM affect millions who already have multiple chronic illnesses?
Brain Injury
Even with the increases in preventable illnesses, the issue that has not been linked or addressed –with what Clifford
Aluminum is a major component in these aerosols. Although it is our planet’s most abundant metal, our body has no biological need for it. Pesticide Action Network North America [PANNA] lists it as “toxic to humans, including carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and acute toxicity.”(12) Yet, aluminum is commonly used [this is a very short list] in vaccines, deodorants and anti-perspirants, over-the-counter medications, soft drink and beer cans [aluminum leeches from the cans], baking powder, cake mixes, processed cheeses, and other food products and additives.
Over years, aluminum accumulates in the brain, tissues, and to a lesser amount the bones. It causes brain degeneration, dysfunction and damage –due to the blockage and reduced blood flow and oxygen of brain arteries. The brain shrinks, as brain cells die. This causes dementia. Symptoms include: emotional outbursts, paranoia, forgetfulness and memory loss, speech incoherence, irritability, diminished alertness, changes in personality, and poor/bad judgment. All these are on the rise, as more than 4-million Americans are afflicted. Brain deterioration and dementia take decades to cause serious and visible harm.
Eventually, however, dementia is fatal. “Alzheimer’s” is now being used incorrectly as a catch-all term for all kinds of dementia. Just a few days ago, the front page of the New York Times had a headline: “More with Dementia Wander from Home.”(13) People afflicted with, what the Times terms “Alzheimer’s” were interviewed. One person mentioned he “has a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s.” This is patently wrong. Alzheimer’s dementia can only be accurately diagnosed after death when a post-mortem can be done. However, heavy metals poisoning can be diagnosed through lab testing; but this is rarely done for basic check-ups.
What is not addressed in this increase in dementia is the more than 10 years of breathing Chemtrails with nano aluminum-coated fiberglass. Billions of tons have been sprayed on us.
With all these sources of aluminum added to the air we breathe with each breath, the cumulative toxicity is very high. Even in daily events, it is obvious –to anyone who is paying attention– that many people are behaving oddly. While it may be considered “anecdotal” reporting, there are millions of people whose behavior is strange. There have been numerous times in just the past year when I have asked someone a question and received an answer that is totally unrelated. There have been more and more uncontrolled outbursts in public areas: someone “snaps” for no apparent reason. Violence levels are up. Look at all the shootings on school campuses. There are more unexplained auto accidents that never should have happened. In just one day a few weeks ago, I witnessed three traffic accidents that need not have happened. The news is full of these stories.
Add to this already highly toxic body burden is the US military’s use of aluminum in its aerosols. It is used because of its electrical conductivity, durability, and light weight. The US Air Force reported in 1997 that it released “2 million, 6-7 ounce bundles of CHAFF.” These are laid by military aircraft form 15-50 miles in length.(14) Another unanswered question: Why is the USAF not releasing up-to-date figures?
A 2002 report notes that: “over the last 25 years, the US Navy [has released from planes] several hundred thousand pounds of aluminized chaff during flight operations over a training area on the Chesapeake Bay.”(15) If the Navy used hundreds of thousands of pounds in just this small area of the US, what could be extrapolated for the release of possibly billions of tons of nano aluminum by all the military divisions throughout the US and Canada more recently than 2002? CHAFF is being stored that has lead in it. Has that been released, without our knowledge, and added to these aerosols?
What enormous, yet invisible, harm has that created for all of us?
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger reported last year that “exposure to aerial emissions of nano composite materials resulted in cholinesterase inhibition.”(16) The human body has three kinds of cholinesterase: for the brain, for plasma (manufactured by the liver), and red blood cells. Some pesticides and nerve gases (such as VX, an organophosphate) inhibit cholinesterase. The chronic inhibition of this enzyme (that normally circulates in red blood cells), caused by the spraying of these Chemtrails aerosols [for weather modification, but also used for mosquito and other insect eradication], causes chronic poisoning. This exposure causes severe neurological disorders, including paralysis in humans.
In a ground-breaking 2003 online essay, Dr. Kaye Kilburn, asks: “Why is Chemical Brain Injury Ignored?”(17) His article lists 13 concealed factors that affect our willingness to believe that dangerous chemicals do affect the brain.
They include:
1. “It’s all in your head” [meaning real symptoms are ignored by allopathic medicine].
2. Resistance to vulnerability [individuals, and society collectively, cannot believe the brain is at risk].
3. The acceptance of mind-altering prescription drugs [such as Paxil] that can and do affect the brain [millions are on anti-depressants –what long-term damage does that also do to cognitive thinking?].
4. Chemical brain injury is considered not to be “an imminent threat.”
5. Competition from other serious threats [causing indifference or denial];
6. Delay in acknowledging health risks.
7. Economic interests [delaying tactics by big corporations are well known –delay continues profits and ignores taking responsibility –We are all expendable for corporate profits].
8. The field of neurology has been slow to consider causes [how many independent researchers are left who do not have any ties to the pharmaceutical/chemical companies?].
In all these valuable reasons for not addressing this human crisis, the one that Dr. Kilburn has not addressed directly is the chronic assault of breathing/absorbing these now billions of tons of hazardous aerosolized chemicals and heavy metals over more than a decade without our informed consent. When one does not look for or address primary causes, then other issues can be blamed.
This, on top of a government’s silence or refusal to respond and the corporate media’s complicity, make for an extremely dangerous combination that puts us all at grave and daily risk. As brain function is diminished, and other things are blamed for it, any population is easier “to control.”
Dr. Kiburn’s research clearly shows that chemicals do
affect and seriously harm the brain [and, thereby, cognitive function].
Chemicals –especially a daily onslaught of toxic chemicals over many
years– can damage our ability to think clearly. Even if we find this
hard to believe, the evidence is there. Dr. Kilburn has expanded this
essay into the first book to research this: “Chemical Brain Injury”
(published in 1998). Dr. Kilburn notes:
The brain’s preservation represents the only possibility of survival for mankind. To find in many parts of the country and in many individual patients that its function is eroded seriously by chemicals, chemicals that have been introduced into the environment basically in the last 50 years, is bad news indeed.(18)It seems almost unbelievable that millions/billions of people could look up at the sky and not notice the dramatic changes that have occurred from what it was, for instance, in the mid-1990s. Then our sky was a gorgeous, deep blue. Clouds were a beautiful assortment of shapes. The sun was glorious. But people under 30, may not have a real sense of recollection about looking up every day and seeing this panoramic magnificence. Most of them are too busy texting or chatting on their cell phones.
There are other issues to consider, as well: People are in their own comfort zones; and denial is a very powerful human emotion. In the hustle and bustle (now quite out of hand, for reflective time), how many people look up at the sky? It also takes huge courage, a very deep, internal willingness to examine politically motivated corporate controlled media spin, and search for the real answers. Humans like their regular routines. To re-examine what we think we know, based on new evidence, takes a willingness to think outside the proverbial box; to want to find out the truth –not the pervasive Orwellian doublespeak that pervades our society. If everything in our daily routine belies what is truly going on, it requires fortitude to explore the unknown –to question the litany.
Another courageous person is Dr. R. Michael Castle who continues to address the Chemtrails toxicity issue. He is a noted polymer chemist who has been interviewed frequently and has written articles about the extreme hazards of Chemtrails. Dr. Castle has also written a ground-breaking document, the Universal Atmospheric Preservation Act [UAPA]. This document has been in Congress since 2008; but is tied up in committee. The only way to have this vital piece of legislation passed is to have real congressional representatives actually representing us (instead of the corporate lobbyists).
Given these issues, since our collapsing society has so many different levels of deceit –the financial debacle, the lies and deceit of government and the Federal Reserve blaming people for the housing/mortgage nightmare, the emerging police state, the disasters that envelope our fragile environment– it becomes increasingly difficult just to maintain a daily routine and survive the economic depression and its daily fallout. Mainstream media does its supporting role and deceives us. Millions, like the proverbial lemmings, hasten to join the group demise. There are countless historical instances of this collective insanity. We Homo sapiens [sic, wise men?] have never learned the lessons of 5,000 years of history. This is because each new generation of corrupt political leaders (often tied historically to previous ones) never has the real interest of their constituents as a basic part of their political practice. Further, there is no Precautionary Principle in place.(19) It’s not the way the political game of deception works. Precaution is not part of an equation that is broken from the beginning. Humans are gullible and want to believe the Orwellian deceptions.
To add to this already heavy burden, to ask uninformed, although supposedly “well educated” [What does that actually mean, given that much of our higher education has omitted much of what Prof. Peter Dale Scott calls “deep political events” that never get into our history books?] people to reconsider what they think they know about what is really going on –this takes enormous internal strength. It requires profound courage. The basis of this “courage” actually means creating new synaptical pathways in the brain. Without them, we feel scared, nervous…because those new synapses have not yet been created. It takes repeated effort, and, thus, an emerging sense of ease, to create these new synapses.
If, however, millions of people are already on prescription pharmaceuticals to “calm them down” [long term, what is this doing to their ability to think clearly?] and, in addition, are breathing poisoned air rife with mind-distorting chemicals, then how clearly (if at all) is anyone able to think?
How can anyone feel well and safe, if the very air we breathe is deliberately poisoned and is affecting our ability to think cogently? It is already evident that no one in any official capacity is willing to tell the truth. It is like Diogenes, the ancient Greek, searching for a truthful individual. No one seems to have the desire, or courage, or authority to stop this massive poisoning, because it is the secret plan of the elite insiders to deliberate destroy everything we once knew.
Our BASIC human rights, constitutional and international laws are mere paper. These rights and laws have all been torn asunder by those in charge. It has been done by stealth. We must organize peacefully. PEACEFULLY is the operative word. If these many-pronged aerosol attacks by military and commercial planes can spray these horrific toxins on us, year after year with impunity –against all laws– then it is absolutely imperative that we organize peacefully. As Peter Dale Scott notes in Jason Bermas’ new DVD “Invisible Empire”: we must use the Internet and our peaceful intellectual powers to come together and shut this nightmare down. It is possible to do this.
Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri is author of the highly acclaimed book, “The Uterine Crisis.”
chronic bronchitis,
memory loss,
nano aluminum,
respiratory problems
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Dire Appeal to our Military Brothers and Sisters
Those of us that are fighting desperately to raise awareness on the
dire issues of SAG and SRM (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and
solar radiation management) wish to send a most urgent plea to the
honorable members of our armed forces. Please, please, investigate SAG
and SRM and the total global decimation these toxic aerosol spraying
programs are causing.
Though we solute your service to this country, and fully believe that the vast majority of our armed forces are engaged in service that they believe to be right, and for the common good of our country, in the case of SAG and SRM, such a notion could not be further from the truth. Again, we who have investigated this lethal issue, and the total havoc the spraying is causing around the globe, plead with you to do the same. Please, please, investigate the aerosol geoengineering issue.
For those in our armed forces that may actually be involved in these deadly spraying flights in some way, we desperately ask that you consider what you are involved with. What you are doing to the air you and your loved ones are breathing. What you are doing to the planet you and your posterity will need for your future survival. Though we who are struggling to raise awareness on this issue admit there are dire challenges in the world, and climate change being one, all available science and testing makes crystal clear that SAG and SRM are completely devastating our biosphere from top to bottom.
We most sincerely hope you will examine the data below for a start, an then continue your investigation into the most dire issue of the global spraying programs that are SAG and SRM.
10 “bullet” points regarding geoengineering
1. Global aerosol spraying (SAG and SRM, stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and solar radiation management) are literally poisoning all life on earth day in and day out. Every breath we take contains ultra fine toxic nano particulates in the 10 nanometer range. Such minute particles are extremely damaging to the respiratory and neurological systems and can not be filtered out with any readily available filtration mechanisms. They are so small that they penetrate straight through the lung lining and into the blood stream. There, they can adhere to cell receptors like a plaque, slowly but surely damaging our health and bodily functions such as the immune system. The particulates are also a platform on which fungal proliferation runs wild. Recent studies state 70%+ of all current plant and animal extinction is now caused by fungal infection.
2. The protective layers of the atmosphere, most specifically the ozone layer and the ionosphere, are being shredded by the aerosol clouds. This renders all life on planet earth exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. The science on “particulate clouds and their effect on the ozone layer” is very clear. Such clouds destroy ozone. Period. UV levels are already increasing dramatically around the globe.
3. SAG and SRM have very likely been major contributing factors to the current methane “planetary emergency” now occurring on the East SIberian Shelf. This emergency, as stated by the research scientists involved, is the massive methane expulsion from the sea floor. Methane hydrates have now reached a temperature which will no longer allow its former retention in hydrate form on the sea floor. This warming of the oceans has been fueled in large part by the spraying. Though SAG and SRM can achieve significant cooling anomalies over large areas, it comes at a cost of a far worse overall global warming. The gravity of this methane event can not be overstated.
4. Saturating the atmosphere with geoengineering particulates “diminishes and disperses rainfall”. Period. The excess of condensation nuclei causes moisture droplets to adhere to these nuclei and thus droplets do not combine and fall as precipitation, but continue to migrate in the form of artificial cloud cover. This is one of the reasons SAG and SRM cause devastating global drought.
5. SAG and SRM are causing “global dimming” on a scale that can hardly be comprehended. Current figures are averaging in the 20% range globally, but in some areas, like Russia, the total amount of sun that now reaches the ground is some 30% less than only a few decades previous. This reduction of sunlight further amplifies the currently occurring global droughts. Sunlight is a major component of evaporation.
6. SAG and SRM greatly reduce wind flow. Again, wind is a major component of evaporation. The science regarding aerosol clouds and their effect on wind is well documented.
7. The SAG and SRM particles are “light scattering” materials. This alters the light spectrum and will likely cause many, and as of yet unknown, negative effects on all life forms. Blocking out the sun alone is of extreme concern regarding photosynthesis, but when one considers the fact that the light which does get through the toxic particulates is in altered wave form, the concern is much greater still.
8. Soils and waters are quite literally being poisoned day in and day out and thus sterilized by the highly toxic fallout from SRM and SAG spray programs. The totality of damage already caused by this fallout could never be quantified.
9. “Bioavailable” aluminum, now in nearly every drop of rain falling around the globe, is very harmful to most plant life. When the organisms detect the contamination, they shut down nutrient uptake to protect their DNA. This can cause a very slow and protracted death of the organism. The effects of “bioavailable aluminum” are also well documented. A point of interest is the fact that Monsanto is engaged in the production of “aluminum resistant” seeds.
10. All global weather is being effected by these spray programs. At this point, there is little or no weather that could be considered “natural”. Again, there is no way to even begin to quantify the damage being done to all life on earth by SAG and SRM. However when one considers the current extinction rate, which is now 1000 times “natural variability” (100,000% of normal) it is impossible not to connect the issue of SAG and SRM to the mass die off once the impact and gravity of these programs is well understood.
Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects
By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
April 18, 2012
The Internet is littered with stories of “chemtrails” and geoengineering to combat “global warming” and until recently I took these stories with a grain of salt. One of the main reasons for my skepticism was that I rarely saw what they were describing in the skies. But over the past several years I have notice a great number of these trails and I have to admit they are not like the contrails I grew up seeing in the skies. They are extensive, quite broad, are laid in a definite pattern and slowly evolve into artificial clouds. Of particular concern is that there are now so many dozens every day are littering the skies.
My major concern is that there is evidence that they are spraying tons of nanosized aluminum compounds. It has been demonstrated in the scientific and medical literature that nanosized particles are infinitely more reactive and induce intense inflammation in a number of tissues. Of special concern is the effect of these nanoparticles on the brain and spinal cord, as a growing list of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease and Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) are strongly related to exposure to environmental aluminum.
Nanoparticles of aluminum are not only infinitely more inflammatory, they also easily penetrate the brain by a number of routes, including the blood and olfactory nerves (the smell nerves in the nose). Studies have shown that these particles pass along the olfactory neural tracts, which connect directly to the area of the brain that is not only most effected by Alzheimer’s disease, but also the earliest affected in the course of the disease. It also has the highest level of brain aluminum in Alzheimer’s cases.
The intranasal route of exposure makes spraying of massive amounts of nanoaluminum into the skies especially hazardous, as it will be inhaled by people of all ages, including babies and small children for many hours. We know that older people have the greatest reaction to this airborne aluminum. Because of the nanosizing of the aluminum particles being used, home filtering system will not remove the aluminum, thus prolonging exposure, even indoors.In addition to inhaling nanoaluminum, such spraying will saturate the ground, water and vegetation with high levels of aluminum. Normally, aluminum is poorly absorbed from the GI tract, but nanoaluminum is absorbed
in much higher amounts. This absorbed aluminum has been shown to be distributed to a number of organs and tissues including the brain and spinal cord. Inhaling this environmentally suspended nanoaluminum will also produce tremendous inflammatory reaction within the lungs, which will pose a significant hazard to children and adults with asthma and pulmonary diseases.
I pray that the pilots who are spraying this dangerous substance fully understand that they are destroying the life and health of their families as well. This is also true of our political officials. Once the soil, plants and water sources are heavily contaminated there will be no way to reverse the damage that has been done.
Steps need to be taken now to prevent an impending health disaster of enormous proportions if this project is not stopped immediately. Otherwise we will see an explosive increase in neurodegenerative diseases occurring in adults and the elderly in unprecedented rates as well as neurodevelopmental disorders in our children. We are already seeing a dramatic increase in these neurological disorders and it is occurring in younger people than ever before.
1. Win-Shwe T-T, Fujimaki H. Nanoparticles and Neurotoxicity. In J Mol Sci 2011;12:6267-6280.
2. Krewski D et al. Human health rRevell PA. The biological effects of nanoparticles. Risk assessment for aluminum, aluminum oxide, and aluminum hydroxide. J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev 2007;10
(suppl 1): 1-269.
3. Blaylock RL. Aluminum induced immunoexcitotoxicity in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. Curr Inorg Chem 2012;2:46-53.
4. Tomljenovic L. Aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease: after a century, is their a plausible link. J Alzheimer’s Disease 2011;23:567-598.
5. Perl DP, Good PF. Aluminum, Alzheimer’s Disease, and the olfactory system. Ann NY Acad Sci 1991;640:8-13.
6. Shaw CA, Petrik MS. Aluminum hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration. J Inorg Biochem 2009;103:1555-1562.
7. Braydich-Stolie LK et al. Nanosized aluminum altered immune function. ACS Nano 2010:4:3661-3670.
8. Li XB et al. Glia activation induced by peripheral administration of aluminum oxide nanoparticles in rat brains. Nanomedicine 2009;5:473-479.
9. Exley C, house E. Aluminum in the human brain. Monatsh Chem 2011;142:357-363.
10. Nayak P, Chatterjee AK. Effects of aluminum exposure on brain glutamate and GABA system: an experimental study in rats. Food Chem Toxicol 2001;39:1285-1289.
11. Tsunoda M, Sharma RP. Modulation of tumor necrosis factor alpha expression in mouse brain after exposure to aluminum in drinking water. Arch Toxicol 1999;73:419-426.
12. Matyja E. Aluminum changes glutamate –mediated neurotoxicity in organotypic cultures of rat hippocampus. Folia Neuropathol 2000;38:47-53.
13. Walton JR. Aluminum in hippocampal neurons from human with Alzheimer’s disease. Neurotoxicology 2006;27:385-394.
14. Walton JR. An aluminum-based rat model for Alzheimer’s disease exhibits oxidative damage, inhibition of PP2A activity, hyperphosphorylated tau and granulovacuolar degeneration. J Inorg Biochem
15. Becaria A et al. Aluminum and copper in drinking water enhance inflammatory or oxidative events specifically in brain. J Neuroimmunol 2006;176:16-23.
16. Exley C. A molecular mechanism for aluminum-induced Alzheimer’s disease. J Inorg Biochem 1999;76:133-140.
17. Exley C. The pro-oxidant activity ofnaluminum. Free Rad Biol Med 2004;36:380-387.
Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
Visiting Professor Biology
Belhaven University
Theoretical Neurosciences Research, LLC
Note from Martini: If you have read this article by Dr. Russell Blaylock you now know how serious it is. If its not stopped, there is no going back as he states. I know through grassroots efforts this can be published everywhere, to the military, pilot organizations and all members of Congress,etc.
Dr. Blaylock is a world renowned neurosurgeon, retired from Neurosurgey to devote his full attention to nutritional studies and research. An in-demand guest for radio and TV programs, he lectures extensively to both lay audiences and physicians on nutrition-related subjects. He is the 2004 recipient of the Integrity in Science Award granted by the Weston A Price Foundation and serves on the editorial staff of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, the official publication of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
I would recommend everyone read his brochures “Bio Terrorism: How You Can Survive” and “Nuclear Sunrise”. He is also a specialist in bio terrorism.
Don’t stop forwarding this article. The pilots and their families as well as those on the ground must be saved. Send it to everyone you know and those who can network it further. This insanity must stop.
Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 2442-2599,,
Aspartame Toxicity Center,
Though we solute your service to this country, and fully believe that the vast majority of our armed forces are engaged in service that they believe to be right, and for the common good of our country, in the case of SAG and SRM, such a notion could not be further from the truth. Again, we who have investigated this lethal issue, and the total havoc the spraying is causing around the globe, plead with you to do the same. Please, please, investigate the aerosol geoengineering issue.
For those in our armed forces that may actually be involved in these deadly spraying flights in some way, we desperately ask that you consider what you are involved with. What you are doing to the air you and your loved ones are breathing. What you are doing to the planet you and your posterity will need for your future survival. Though we who are struggling to raise awareness on this issue admit there are dire challenges in the world, and climate change being one, all available science and testing makes crystal clear that SAG and SRM are completely devastating our biosphere from top to bottom.
We most sincerely hope you will examine the data below for a start, an then continue your investigation into the most dire issue of the global spraying programs that are SAG and SRM.
10 “bullet” points regarding geoengineering
1. Global aerosol spraying (SAG and SRM, stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and solar radiation management) are literally poisoning all life on earth day in and day out. Every breath we take contains ultra fine toxic nano particulates in the 10 nanometer range. Such minute particles are extremely damaging to the respiratory and neurological systems and can not be filtered out with any readily available filtration mechanisms. They are so small that they penetrate straight through the lung lining and into the blood stream. There, they can adhere to cell receptors like a plaque, slowly but surely damaging our health and bodily functions such as the immune system. The particulates are also a platform on which fungal proliferation runs wild. Recent studies state 70%+ of all current plant and animal extinction is now caused by fungal infection.
2. The protective layers of the atmosphere, most specifically the ozone layer and the ionosphere, are being shredded by the aerosol clouds. This renders all life on planet earth exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. The science on “particulate clouds and their effect on the ozone layer” is very clear. Such clouds destroy ozone. Period. UV levels are already increasing dramatically around the globe.
3. SAG and SRM have very likely been major contributing factors to the current methane “planetary emergency” now occurring on the East SIberian Shelf. This emergency, as stated by the research scientists involved, is the massive methane expulsion from the sea floor. Methane hydrates have now reached a temperature which will no longer allow its former retention in hydrate form on the sea floor. This warming of the oceans has been fueled in large part by the spraying. Though SAG and SRM can achieve significant cooling anomalies over large areas, it comes at a cost of a far worse overall global warming. The gravity of this methane event can not be overstated.
4. Saturating the atmosphere with geoengineering particulates “diminishes and disperses rainfall”. Period. The excess of condensation nuclei causes moisture droplets to adhere to these nuclei and thus droplets do not combine and fall as precipitation, but continue to migrate in the form of artificial cloud cover. This is one of the reasons SAG and SRM cause devastating global drought.
5. SAG and SRM are causing “global dimming” on a scale that can hardly be comprehended. Current figures are averaging in the 20% range globally, but in some areas, like Russia, the total amount of sun that now reaches the ground is some 30% less than only a few decades previous. This reduction of sunlight further amplifies the currently occurring global droughts. Sunlight is a major component of evaporation.
6. SAG and SRM greatly reduce wind flow. Again, wind is a major component of evaporation. The science regarding aerosol clouds and their effect on wind is well documented.
7. The SAG and SRM particles are “light scattering” materials. This alters the light spectrum and will likely cause many, and as of yet unknown, negative effects on all life forms. Blocking out the sun alone is of extreme concern regarding photosynthesis, but when one considers the fact that the light which does get through the toxic particulates is in altered wave form, the concern is much greater still.
8. Soils and waters are quite literally being poisoned day in and day out and thus sterilized by the highly toxic fallout from SRM and SAG spray programs. The totality of damage already caused by this fallout could never be quantified.
9. “Bioavailable” aluminum, now in nearly every drop of rain falling around the globe, is very harmful to most plant life. When the organisms detect the contamination, they shut down nutrient uptake to protect their DNA. This can cause a very slow and protracted death of the organism. The effects of “bioavailable aluminum” are also well documented. A point of interest is the fact that Monsanto is engaged in the production of “aluminum resistant” seeds.
10. All global weather is being effected by these spray programs. At this point, there is little or no weather that could be considered “natural”. Again, there is no way to even begin to quantify the damage being done to all life on earth by SAG and SRM. However when one considers the current extinction rate, which is now 1000 times “natural variability” (100,000% of normal) it is impossible not to connect the issue of SAG and SRM to the mass die off once the impact and gravity of these programs is well understood.
Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects
By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
April 18, 2012
The Internet is littered with stories of “chemtrails” and geoengineering to combat “global warming” and until recently I took these stories with a grain of salt. One of the main reasons for my skepticism was that I rarely saw what they were describing in the skies. But over the past several years I have notice a great number of these trails and I have to admit they are not like the contrails I grew up seeing in the skies. They are extensive, quite broad, are laid in a definite pattern and slowly evolve into artificial clouds. Of particular concern is that there are now so many dozens every day are littering the skies.
My major concern is that there is evidence that they are spraying tons of nanosized aluminum compounds. It has been demonstrated in the scientific and medical literature that nanosized particles are infinitely more reactive and induce intense inflammation in a number of tissues. Of special concern is the effect of these nanoparticles on the brain and spinal cord, as a growing list of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease and Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) are strongly related to exposure to environmental aluminum.
Nanoparticles of aluminum are not only infinitely more inflammatory, they also easily penetrate the brain by a number of routes, including the blood and olfactory nerves (the smell nerves in the nose). Studies have shown that these particles pass along the olfactory neural tracts, which connect directly to the area of the brain that is not only most effected by Alzheimer’s disease, but also the earliest affected in the course of the disease. It also has the highest level of brain aluminum in Alzheimer’s cases.
The intranasal route of exposure makes spraying of massive amounts of nanoaluminum into the skies especially hazardous, as it will be inhaled by people of all ages, including babies and small children for many hours. We know that older people have the greatest reaction to this airborne aluminum. Because of the nanosizing of the aluminum particles being used, home filtering system will not remove the aluminum, thus prolonging exposure, even indoors.In addition to inhaling nanoaluminum, such spraying will saturate the ground, water and vegetation with high levels of aluminum. Normally, aluminum is poorly absorbed from the GI tract, but nanoaluminum is absorbed
in much higher amounts. This absorbed aluminum has been shown to be distributed to a number of organs and tissues including the brain and spinal cord. Inhaling this environmentally suspended nanoaluminum will also produce tremendous inflammatory reaction within the lungs, which will pose a significant hazard to children and adults with asthma and pulmonary diseases.
I pray that the pilots who are spraying this dangerous substance fully understand that they are destroying the life and health of their families as well. This is also true of our political officials. Once the soil, plants and water sources are heavily contaminated there will be no way to reverse the damage that has been done.
Steps need to be taken now to prevent an impending health disaster of enormous proportions if this project is not stopped immediately. Otherwise we will see an explosive increase in neurodegenerative diseases occurring in adults and the elderly in unprecedented rates as well as neurodevelopmental disorders in our children. We are already seeing a dramatic increase in these neurological disorders and it is occurring in younger people than ever before.
1. Win-Shwe T-T, Fujimaki H. Nanoparticles and Neurotoxicity. In J Mol Sci 2011;12:6267-6280.
2. Krewski D et al. Human health rRevell PA. The biological effects of nanoparticles. Risk assessment for aluminum, aluminum oxide, and aluminum hydroxide. J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev 2007;10
(suppl 1): 1-269.
3. Blaylock RL. Aluminum induced immunoexcitotoxicity in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. Curr Inorg Chem 2012;2:46-53.
4. Tomljenovic L. Aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease: after a century, is their a plausible link. J Alzheimer’s Disease 2011;23:567-598.
5. Perl DP, Good PF. Aluminum, Alzheimer’s Disease, and the olfactory system. Ann NY Acad Sci 1991;640:8-13.
6. Shaw CA, Petrik MS. Aluminum hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration. J Inorg Biochem 2009;103:1555-1562.
7. Braydich-Stolie LK et al. Nanosized aluminum altered immune function. ACS Nano 2010:4:3661-3670.
8. Li XB et al. Glia activation induced by peripheral administration of aluminum oxide nanoparticles in rat brains. Nanomedicine 2009;5:473-479.
9. Exley C, house E. Aluminum in the human brain. Monatsh Chem 2011;142:357-363.
10. Nayak P, Chatterjee AK. Effects of aluminum exposure on brain glutamate and GABA system: an experimental study in rats. Food Chem Toxicol 2001;39:1285-1289.
11. Tsunoda M, Sharma RP. Modulation of tumor necrosis factor alpha expression in mouse brain after exposure to aluminum in drinking water. Arch Toxicol 1999;73:419-426.
12. Matyja E. Aluminum changes glutamate –mediated neurotoxicity in organotypic cultures of rat hippocampus. Folia Neuropathol 2000;38:47-53.
13. Walton JR. Aluminum in hippocampal neurons from human with Alzheimer’s disease. Neurotoxicology 2006;27:385-394.
14. Walton JR. An aluminum-based rat model for Alzheimer’s disease exhibits oxidative damage, inhibition of PP2A activity, hyperphosphorylated tau and granulovacuolar degeneration. J Inorg Biochem
15. Becaria A et al. Aluminum and copper in drinking water enhance inflammatory or oxidative events specifically in brain. J Neuroimmunol 2006;176:16-23.
16. Exley C. A molecular mechanism for aluminum-induced Alzheimer’s disease. J Inorg Biochem 1999;76:133-140.
17. Exley C. The pro-oxidant activity ofnaluminum. Free Rad Biol Med 2004;36:380-387.
Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
Visiting Professor Biology
Belhaven University
Theoretical Neurosciences Research, LLC
Note from Martini: If you have read this article by Dr. Russell Blaylock you now know how serious it is. If its not stopped, there is no going back as he states. I know through grassroots efforts this can be published everywhere, to the military, pilot organizations and all members of Congress,etc.
Dr. Blaylock is a world renowned neurosurgeon, retired from Neurosurgey to devote his full attention to nutritional studies and research. An in-demand guest for radio and TV programs, he lectures extensively to both lay audiences and physicians on nutrition-related subjects. He is the 2004 recipient of the Integrity in Science Award granted by the Weston A Price Foundation and serves on the editorial staff of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, the official publication of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
I would recommend everyone read his brochures “Bio Terrorism: How You Can Survive” and “Nuclear Sunrise”. He is also a specialist in bio terrorism.
Don’t stop forwarding this article. The pilots and their families as well as those on the ground must be saved. Send it to everyone you know and those who can network it further. This insanity must stop.
Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 2442-2599,,
Aspartame Toxicity Center,
aluminum hydroxide,
aluminum oxide,
neurodevelopmental effects,
Russell Blaylock,
toxic aerosol spraying
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Not saying chemtrails contain this, JUST SAYIN'
Who knows how far they will go with additives in the geo-engineering spraying which happens nearly on a daily basis around the world? Maybe it is better said "WHO knows how far they will go...."
A Common Disease Agent Weaponised
There are 200 species of Mycoplasma. Most are innocuous and do no harm; only four or five are pathogenic. Mycoplasma fermentans (incognitus strain) probably comes from the nucleus of the Brucella bacterium. This disease agent is not a bacterium and not a virus; it is a mutated form of the Brucella bacterium, combined with a visna virus, from which the mycoplasma is extracted.
The pathogenic Mycoplasma used to be very innocuous, but biological warfare research conducted between 1942 and the present time has resulted in the creation of more deadly and infectious forms of Mycoplasma. Researchers extracted this mycoplasma from the Brucella bacterium and actually reduced the disease to a crystalline form. They “weaponised” it and tested it on an unsuspecting public in North America.
Dr Maurice Hilleman, chief virologist for the pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme, stated that this disease agent is now carried by everybody in North America and possibly most people throughout the world.
Despite reporting flaws, there has clearly been an increased incidence of all the neuro/systemic degenerative diseases since World War II and especially since the 1970s with the arrival of previously unheard-of diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome and AIDS.
According to Dr Shyh-Ching Lo, senior researcher at The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and one of America’s top mycoplasma researchers, this disease agent causes many illnesses including,
chronic fatigue syndrome
Crohn’s colitis
Type I diabetes
multiple sclerosis
Parkinson’s disease
Wegener’s disease
collagen-vascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer’s
Dr Charles Engel, who is with the US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, stated the following at an NIH meeting on February 7, 2000:
“I am now of the view that the probable cause of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia is the mycoplasma…”
I have all the official documents to prove that mycoplasma is the disease agent in chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia as well as in AIDS, multiple sclerosis and many other illnesses. Of these, 80% are US or Canadian official government documents, and 20% are articles from peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of the American Medical Association, New England Journal of Medicine and the Canadian Medical Association Journal. The journal articles and government documents complement each other.
How the Mycoplasma Works
The mycoplasma acts by entering into the individual cells of the body, depending upon your genetic predisposition.
You may develop neurological diseases if the pathogen destroys certain cells in your brain, or you may develop Crohn’s colitis if the pathogen invades and destroys cells in the lower bowel.
Once the mycoplasma gets into the cell, it can lie there doing nothing sometimes for 10, 20 or 30 years, but if a trauma occurs like an accident or a vaccination that doesn’t take, the mycoplasma can become triggered.
Because it is only the DNA particle of the bacterium, it doesn’t have any organelles to process its own nutrients, so it grows by uptaking pre-formed sterols from its host cell and it literally kills the cell; the cell ruptures and what is left gets dumped into the bloodstream.
A Laboratory-Made Disease Agent
Many doctors don’t know about this mycoplasma disease agent because it was developed by the US military in biological warfare experimentation and it was not made public. This pathogen was patented by the United States military and Dr Shyh-Ching Lo. I have a copy of the documented patent from the US Patent Office.1
All the countries at war were experimenting with biological weapons. In 1942, the governments of the United States, Canada and Britain entered into a secret agreement to create two types of biological weapons (one that would kill, and one that was disabling) for use in the war against Germany and Japan, who were also developing biological weapons. While they researched a number of disease pathogens, they primarily focused on the Brucella bacterium and began to weaponise it.
From its inception, the biowarfare program was characterized by continuing in-depth review and participation by the most eminent scientists, medical consultants, industrial experts and government officials, and it was classified Top Secret.
The US Public Health Service also closely followed the progress of biological warfare research and development from the very start of the program, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States were working with the military in weaponising these diseases. These are diseases that have existed for thousands of years, but they have been weaponised–which means they’ve been made more contagious and more effective. And they are spreading.
The Special Virus Cancer Program, created by the CIA and NIH to develop a deadly pathogen for which humanity had no natural immunity (AIDS), was disguised as a war on cancer but was actually part of MKNAOMI.2 Many members of the Senate and House of Representatives do not know what has been going on.
For example, the US Senate Committee on Government Reform had searched the archives in Washington and other places for the document titled “The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8“, and couldn’t find it. Somehow they heard I had it, called me and asked me to mail it to them. Imagine: a retired schoolteacher being called by the United States Senate and asked for one of their secret documents!
The US Senate, through the Government Reform Committee, is trying to stop this type of government research.
Crystalline Brucella
The title page of a genuine US Senate Study, declassified on February 24, 1977, shows that George Merck, of the pharmaceutical company, Merck Sharp & Dohme (which now makes cures for diseases that at one time it created), reported in 1946 to the US Secretary of War that his researchers had managed “for the first time” to “isolate the disease agent in crystalline form”.3
They had produced a crystalline bacterial toxin extracted from the Brucella bacterium. The bacterial toxin could be removed in crystalline form and stored, transported and deployed without deteriorating. It could be delivered by other vectors such as insects, aerosol or the food chain (in nature it is delivered within the bacterium). But the factor that is working in the Brucella is the mycoplasma.
Brucella is a disease agent that doesn’t kill people; it disables them. But, according to Dr Donald MacArthur of the Pentagon, appearing before a congressional committee in 1969,4 researchers found that if they had mycoplasma at a certain strength –actually, 10 to the 10th power (1010)– it would develop into AIDS, and the person would die from it within a reasonable period of time because it could bypass the natural human defenses. If the strength was 108, the person would manifest with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. If it was 107, they would present as wasting; they wouldn’t die and they wouldn’t be disabled, but they would not be very interested in life; they would waste away.
Most of us have never heard of the disease brucellosis because it largely disappeared when they began pasteurizing milk, which was the carrier. One salt shaker of the pure disease agent in a crystalline form could sicken the entire population of Canada. It is absolutely deadly, not so much in terms of killing the body but disabling it.
Because the crystalline disease agent goes into solution in the blood, ordinary blood and tissue tests will not reveal its presence.
The mycoplasma will only crystallize at 8.1 pH, and the blood has a pH of 7.4 pH. So the doctor thinks your complaint is “all in your head“.
Crystalline Brucella and Multiple Sclerosis
In 1998 in Rochester, New York, I met a former military man, PFC Donald Bentley, who gave me a document and told me:
“I was in the US Army, and I was trained in bacteriological warfare. We were handling a bomb filled with brucellosis, only it wasn’t brucellosis; it was a Brucella toxin in crystalline form. We were spraying it on the Chinese and North Koreans.”
He showed me his certificate listing his training in chemical, biological and radiological warfare. Then he showed me 16 pages of documents given to him by the US military when he was discharged from the service. They linked brucellosis with multiple sclerosis, and stated in one section:
“Veterans with multiple sclerosis, a kind of creeping paralysis developing to a degree of 10% or more disability within two years after separation from active service, may be presumed to be service-connected for disability compensation. Compensation is payable to eligible veterans whose disabilities are due to service.”
In other words: “If you become ill with multiple sclerosis, it is because you were handling this Brucella, and we will give you a pension. Don’t go raising any fuss about it.” In these documents, the government of the United States revealed evidence of the cause of multiple sclerosis, but they didn’t make it known to the public–or to your doctor.
In a 1949 report, Drs Kyger and Haden suggested “the possibility that multiple sclerosis might be a central nervous system manifestation of chronic brucellosis”. Testing approximately 113 MS patients, they found that almost 95% also tested positive for Brucella.5
We have a document from a medical journal, which concludes that one out of 500 people who had brucellosis would develop what they call neurobrucellosis; in other words, brucellosis in the brain, where the Brucella settles in the lateral ventricles –where the disease multiple sclerosis is basically located.6
Contamination of Camp Detrick Lab Workers
A 1948 New England Journal of Medicine report titled “Acute Brucellosis Among Laboratory Workers” shows us how actively dangerous this agent is.7
The laboratory workers were from Camp Detrick, Frederick, Maryland, where they were developing biological weapons. Even though these workers had been vaccinated, wore rubberized suits and masks and worked through holes in the compartment, many of them came down with this awful disease because it is so absolutely and terrifyingly infectious.
The article was written by Lt Calderone Howell, Marine Corps, Captain Edward Miller, Marine Corps, Lt Emily Kelly, United States Naval Reserve, and Captain Henry Bookman.
They were all military personnel engaged in making the disease agent Brucella into a more effective biological weapon.
Testing the Dispersal Methods
Documented evidence proves that the biological weapons they were developing were tested on the public in various communities without their knowledge or consent.
The government knew that crystalline Brucella would cause disease in humans. Now they needed to determine how it would spread and the best way to disperse it. They tested dispersal methods for Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, in June and September 1952. Probably, 100% of us now are infected with Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis.8
Another government document recommended the genesis of open-air vulnerability tests and covert research and development programs to be conducted by the Army and supported by the Central Intelligence Agency.
At that time, the Government of Canada was asked by the US Government to cooperate in testing weaponised Brucella, and Canada cooperated fully with the United States. The US Government wanted to determine whether mosquitoes would carry the disease and also if the air would carry it. A government report stated that,
“open-air testing of infectious biological agents is considered essential to an ultimate understanding of biological warfare potentialities because of the many unknown factors affecting the degradation of micro-organisms in the atmosphere”.9
Testing via Mosquito Vector in Punta Gorda, Florida
A report from The New England Journal of Medicine reveals that one of the first outbreaks of chronic fatigue syndrome was in Punta Gorda, Florida, back in 1957.10 It was a strange coincidence that a week before these people came down with chronic fatigue syndrome, there was a huge influx of mosquitoes.
The National Institutes of Health claimed that the mosquitoes came from a forest fire 30 miles away. The truth is that those mosquitoes were infected in Canada by Dr Guilford B. Reed at Queen’s University. They were bred in Belleville, Ontario, and taken down to Punta Gorda and released there.
Within a week, the first five cases ever of chronic fatigue syndrome were reported to the local clinic in Punta Gorda. The cases kept coming until finally 450 people were ill with the disease.
Testing via Mosquito Vector in Ontario
The Government of Canada had established the Dominion Parasite Laboratory in Belleville, Ontario, where it raised 100 million mosquitoes a month. These were shipped to Queen’s University and certain other facilities to be infected with this crystalline disease agent. The mosquitoes were then let loose in certain communities in the middle of the night, so that the researchers could determine how many people would become ill with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia, which was the first disease to show.
One of the communities they tested it on was the St Lawrence Seaway valley, all the way from Kingston to Cornwall, in 1984. They let out hundreds of millions of infected mosquitoes. Over 700 people in the next four or five weeks developed myalgic encephalomyelitis, or chronic fatigue syndrome.
Mad Cow Disease/Kuru/CJD in the Fore Tribe
Before and during World War II, at the infamous Camp 731 in Manchuria, the Japanese military contaminated prisoners of war with certain disease agents.
They also established a research camp in New Guinea in 1942. There they experimented upon the Fore Indian tribe and inoculated them with a minced-up version of the brains of diseased sheep containing the visna virus which causes “mad cow disease” or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
About five or six years later, after the Japanese had been driven out, the poor people of the Fore tribe developed what they called kuru, which was their word for “wasting”, and they began to shake, lose their appetites and die. The autopsies revealed that their brains had literally turned to mush. They had contracted “mad cow disease” from the Japanese experiments.
When World War II ended, Dr Ishii Shiro –the medical doctor who was commissioned as a General in the Japanese Army so he could take command of Japan’s biological warfare development, testing and deployment– was captured. He was given the choice of a job with the United States Army or execution as a war criminal. Not surprisingly, Dr Ishii Shiro chose to work with the US military to demonstrate how the Japanese had created mad cow disease in the Fore Indian tribe.
In 1957, when the disease was beginning to blossom in full among the Fore people, Dr Carleton Gajdusek of the US National Institutes of Health headed to New Guinea to determine how the minced-up brains of the visna-infected sheep affected them. He spent a couple of years there, studying the Fore people, and wrote an extensive report.
He won the Nobel Prize for “discovering” kuru disease in the Fore tribe.
Testing Carcinogens over Winnipeg, Manitoba
In 1953, the US Government asked the Canadian Government if it could test a chemical over the city of Winnipeg. It was a big city with 500,000 people, miles from anywhere. The American military sprayed this carcinogenic chemical in a 1,000%-attenuated form, which they said would be so watered down that nobody would get very sick; however, if people came to clinics with a sniffle, a sore throat or ringing in their ears, the researchers would be able to determine what percentage would have developed cancer if the chemical had been used at full strength.
We located evidence that the Americans had indeed tested this carcinogenic chemical –zinc cadmium sulphide– over Winnipeg in 1953. We wrote to the Government of Canada, explaining that we had solid evidence of the spraying and asking that we be informed as to how high up in the government the request for permission to spray had gone. We did not receive a reply.
Shortly after, the Pentagon held a press conference on May 14, 1997, where they admitted what they had done. Robert Russo, writing for the Toronto Star11 from Washington, DC, reported the Pentagon’s admission that in 1953 it had obtained permission from the Canadian Government to fly over the city of Winnipeg and spray out this chemical –which sifted down on kids going to school, housewives hanging out their laundry and people going to work.
US Army planes and trucks released the chemical 36 times between July and August 1953. The Pentagon got its statistics, which indicated that if the chemical released had been full strength, approximately a third of the population of Winnipeg would have developed cancers over the next five years.
One professor, Dr Hugh Fudenberg, MD, twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, wrote a magazine article stating that the Pentagon came clean on this because two researchers in Sudbury, Ontario –Don Scott and his son, Bill Scott– had been revealing this to the public. However, the legwork was done by other researchers!
The US Army actually conducted a series of simulated germ warfare tests over Winnipeg. The Pentagon lied about the tests to the mayor, saying that they were testing a chemical fog over the city, which would protect Winnipeg in the event of a nuclear attack.
A report commissioned by US Congress, chaired by Dr Rogene Henderson, lists 32 American towns and cities used as test sites as well.
The AIDS pathogen was created out of a Brucella bacterium mutated with a visna virus; then the toxin was removed as a DNA particle called a mycoplasma. They used the same mycoplasma to develop disabling diseases like MS, Crohn’s colitis, Lyme disease, etc.
In the previously mentioned US congressional document of a meeting held on June 9, 1969, 12 the Pentagon delivered a report to Congress about biological weapons. The Pentagon stated: “We are continuing to develop disabling weapons.” Dr MacArthur, who was in charge of the research, said: “We are developing a new lethal weapon, a synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist, and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.”
Think about it. If you have a deficiency of acquired immunity, you have an acquired immunity deficiency. Plain as that. AIDS.
In laboratories throughout the United States and in a certain number in Canada including at the University of Alberta, the US Government provided the leadership for the development of AIDS for the purpose of population control. After the scientists had perfected it, the government sent medical teams from the Centers for Disease Control–under the direction of Dr Donald A. Henderson, their investigator into the 1957 chronic fatigue epidemic in Punta Gorda – during 1969 to 1971 to Africa and some countries such as India, Nepal and Pakistan where they thought the population was becoming too large.13 They gave them all a free vaccination against smallpox; but five years after receiving this vaccination, 60% of those inoculated were suffering from AIDS. They tried to blame it on a monkey, which is nonsense.
A professor at the University of Arkansas made the claim that while studying the tissues of a dead chimpanzee she found traces of HIV. The chimpanzee that she had tested was born in the United States 23 years earlier. It had lived its entire life in a US military laboratory where it was used as an experimental animal in the development of these diseases.
When it died, its body was shipped to a storage place where it was deep-frozen and stored in case they wanted to analyze it later. Then they decided that they didn’t have enough space for it, so they said, “Anybody want this dead chimpanzee?” and this researcher from Arkansas said: “Yes. Send it down to the University of Arkansas. We are happy to get anything that we can get.” They shipped it down and she found HIV in it.
That virus was acquired by that chimpanzee in the laboratories where it was tested.14
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Chronic fatigue syndrome is more accurately called myalgic encephalomyelitis. The chronic fatigue syndrome nomenclature was given by the US National Institutes of Health because it wanted to downgrade and belittle the disease.
An MRI scan of the brain of a teenage girl with chronic fatigue syndrome displayed a great many scars or punctate lesions in the left frontal lobe area where portions of the brain had literally dissolved and been replaced by scar tissue. This caused cognitive impairment, memory impairment, etc. And what was the cause of the scarring? The mycoplasma. So there is very concrete physical evidence of these tragic diseases, even though doctors continue to say they don’t know where it comes from or what they can do about it.
Many people with chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalo-myelitis and fibromyalgia who apply to the Canada Pensions Plan Review Tribunal will be turned down because they cannot prove that they are ill. During 1999 I conducted several appeals to Canada Pensions and the Workers Compensation Board (WCB, now the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board) on behalf of people who have been turned down. I provided documented evidence of these illnesses, and these people were all granted their pensions on the basis of the evidence that I provided.
In March 1999, for example, I appealed to the WCB on behalf of a lady with fibromyalgia who had been denied her pension back in 1993. The vice-chairman of the board came to Sudbury to hear the appeal, and I showed him a number of documents which proved that this lady was physically ill with fibromyalgia. It was a disease that caused physical damage, and the disease agent was a mycoplasma.
The guy listened for three hours, and then he said to me:
“Mr Scott, how is it I have never heard of any of this before? I said: “We brought a top authority in this area into Sudbury to speak on this subject and not a single solitary doctor came to that presentation.”
Polymerase Chain Reaction Test
Information is not generally available about this agent because, first of all, the mycoplasma is such a minutely small disease agent. A hundred years ago, certain medical theoreticians conceived that there must be a form of disease agent smaller than bacteria and viruses. This pathogenic organism, the mycoplasma, is so minute that normal blood and tissue tests will not reveal its presence as the source of the disease.
Your doctor may diagnose you with Alzheimer’s disease, and he will say:
“Golly, we don’t know where Alzheimer’s comes from. All we know is that your brain begins to deteriorate, cells rupture, the myelin sheath around the nerves dissolves, and so on.”
Or if you have chronic fatigue syndrome, the doctor will not be able to find any cause for your illness with ordinary blood and tissue tests.
This mycoplasma couldn’t be detected until about 30 years ago when the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test was developed, in which a sample of your blood is examined and damaged particles are removed and subjected to a polymerase chain reaction. This causes the DNA in the particles to break down. The particles are then placed in a nutrient, which causes the DNA to grow back into its original form.
If enough of the substance is produced, the form can be recognized, so it can be determined whether Brucella or another kind of agent is behind that particular mycoplasma.
Blood Test
If you or anybody in your family has myalgic encephalomyelitis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s, you can send a blood sample to Dr Les Simpson in New Zealand for testing.
If you are ill with these diseases, your red blood cells will not be normal doughnut-shaped blood cells capable of being compressed and squeezed through the capillaries, but will swell up like cherry-filled doughnuts which cannot be compressed. The blood cells become enlarged and distended because the only way the mycoplasma can exist is by uptaking pre-formed sterols from the host cell.
One of the best sources of pre-formed sterols is cholesterol, and cholesterol is what gives your blood cells flexibility. If the cholesterol is taken out by the mycoplasma, the red blood cell swells up and doesn’t go through, and the person begins to feel all the aches and pains and all the damage it causes to the brain, the heart, the stomach, the feet and the whole body because blood and oxygen are cut off.
And that is why people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome have such a terrible time. When the blood is cut off from the brain, punctate lesions appear because those parts of the brain die. The mycoplasma will get into portions of the heart muscle, especially the left ventricle, and those cells will die.
Certain people have cells in the lateral ventricles of the brain that have a genetic predisposition to admit the mycoplasma, and this causes the lateral ventricles to deteriorate and die. This leads to multiple sclerosis, which will progress until these people are totally disabled; frequently, they die prematurely. The mycoplasma will get into the lower bowel, parts of which will die, thus causing colitis. All of these diseases are caused by the degenerating properties of the mycoplasma.
In early 2000, a gentleman in Sudbury phoned me and told me he had fibromyalgia. He applied for a pension and was turned down because his doctor said it was all in his head and there was no external evidence. I gave him the proper form and a vial, and he sent his blood to Dr Simpson to be tested.
He did this with his family doctor’s approval, and the results from Dr Simpson showed that only 4% of his red blood cells were functioning normally and carrying the appropriate amount of oxygen to his poor body, whereas 83% were distended, enlarged and hardened, and wouldn’t go through the capillaries without an awful lot of pressure and trouble. This is the physical evidence of the damage that is done.
ECG Test
You can also ask your doctor to give you a 24-hour Holter ECG. You know, of course, that an electrocardiogram is a measure of your heartbeat and shows what is going on in the right ventricle, the left ventricle and so on. Tests show that 100% of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia have an irregular heartbeat.
At various periods during the 24 hours, the heart, instead of working happily away going “bump-BUMP, bump-BUMP”, every now and again goes “buhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuh”. The T-wave (the waves are called P, Q, R, S and T) is normally a peak, and then the wave levels off and starts with the P-wave again. In chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia patients, the T-wave flattens off, or actually inverts. That means the blood in the left ventricle is not being squeezed up through the aorta and around through the body.
My client from Sudbury had this test done and, lo and behold, the results stated: “The shape of T and S-T suggests left ventricle strain pattern, although voltage and so on is normal.” The doctor had no clue as to why the T-wave was not working properly. I analyzed the report of this patient who had been turned down by Canada Pensions and sent it back to them.
They wrote back, saying:
“It looks like we may have made a mistake. We are going to give you a hearing and you can explain this to us in more detail.”
So it is not all in your imagination. There is actual physical damage to the heart. The left ventricle muscles do show scarring. That is why many people are diagnosed with a heart condition when they first develop fibromyalgia, but it’s only one of several problems because the mycoplasma can do all kinds of damage.
Blood Volume Test
You can also ask your doctor for a blood volume test. Every human being requires a certain amount of blood per pound of body weight, and it has been observed that people with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis and other illnesses do not have the normal blood volume their body needs to function properly. Doctors aren’t normally aware of this.
This test measures the amount of blood in the human body by taking out 5 cc, putting a tracer in it and then putting it back into the body. One hour later, take out 5 cc again and look for the tracer. The thicker the blood and the lower the blood volume, the more tracer you will find.
The analysis of one of my clients stated:
“This patient was referred for red cell mass study. The red cell volume is 16.9 ml per kg of body weight. The normal range is 25 to 35 ml per kg. This guy has 36% less blood in his body than the body needs to function.”
And the doctor hadn’t even known the test existed.
If you lost 36% of your blood in an accident, do you think your doctor would tell you that you are alright and should just take up line dancing and get over it? They would rush you to the nearest hospital and start transfusing you with blood.
These tragic people with these awful diseases are functioning with anywhere from 7% to 50% less blood than their body needs to function.
The body undoes the damage itself. The scarring in the brain of people with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia will be repaired. There is cellular repair going on all the time. But the mycoplasma has moved on to the next cell.
In the early stages of a disease, doxycycline may reverse that disease process. It is one of the tetracycline antibiotics, but it is not bactericidal; it is bacteriostatic –it stops the growth of the mycoplasma. And if the mycoplasma growth can be stopped for long enough, then the immune system takes over.
Doxycycline treatment is discussed in a paper by mycoplasma expert Professor Garth Nicholson, PhD, of the Institute for Molecular Medicine.15 Dr Nicholson is involved in a US$8-million mycoplasma research program funded by the US military and headed by Dr Charles Engel of the NIH.
The program is studying Gulf War veterans, 450 of them, because there is evidence to suggest that Gulf War syndrome is another illness (or set of illnesses) caused by mycoplasma.
1. “Pathogenic Mycoplasma”, US Patent No. 5,242,820, issued September 7, 1993. Dr Lo is listed as the “Inventor” and the American Registry of Pathology, Washington, DC, is listed as the “Assignee”.
2. “Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8″, prepared by the National Cancer Institute, Viral Oncology, Etiology Area, July 1971, submitted to NIH Annual Report in May 1971 and updated July 1971.
3. US Senate, Ninety-fifth Congress, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, Biological Testing Involving Human Subjects by the Department of Defense, 1977; released as US Army Activities in the US Biological Warfare Programs, Volumes One and Two, 24 February 1977.
4. Dr Donald MacArthur, Pentagon, Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970, Hearings before Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Ninety-First Congress, First Session, Monday June 9, 1969, pp 105-144, esp. pp. 114, 129.
5. Kyger, E. R. and Russell L. Haden, “Brucellosis and Multiple Sclerosis”, The American Journal of Medical Sciences 1949:689-693.
6. Colmonero et al., “Complications Associated with Brucella melitensis Infection: A Study of 530 Cases”, Medicine 1996;75(4).
7. Howell, Miller, Kelly and Bookman, “Acute Brucellosis Among Laboratory Workers”, New England Journal of Medicine 1948;236:741.
8. “Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8″, ibid., table 4, p. 135.
9. US Senate, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, March 8 and May 23, 1977, ibid.
10. New England Journal of Medicine, August 22, 1957, p. 362.
11. Toronto Star, May 15, 1997.
12. Dr Donald MacArthur, Pentagon, Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970, Hearings, Monday June 9, 1969, ibid., p. 129.
13. Henderson, Donald A., “Smallpox: Epitaph for a Killer”, National Geographic, December 1978, p. 804.
14. Blum, Deborah, The Monkey Wars, Oxford University Press, New York, 1994.
15. Nicholson, G. L., “Doxycycline treatment and Desert Storm”, JAMA 1995;273:618-619.
Recommended Reading
Horowitz, Leonard, Emerging Viruses – AIDS and Evola, 1996.
Johnson, Hillary, Osler’s Web, Crown Publishers, New York, 1996.
Scott, Donald W. and William L. C. Scott, The Brucellosis Triangle, The Chelmsford Publishers (Box 133, Stat. B., Sudbury, Ontario P3E 4N5), Canada, 1998 (US$21.95 + $3 s&h in US).
Scott, Donald W. and William L. C. Scott, The Extremely Unfortunate Skull Valley Incident, The Chelmsford Publishers, Canada, 1996 (revised, extended edition available from mid-September 2001; US$16.00 pre-pub. price + US$3 s&h in US).
The Journal of Degenerative Diseases (Donald W. Scott, Editor), The Common Cause Medical Research Foundation (Box 133, Stat B., Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 4N5), Canada (quarterly journal; annual subscription: US$25.00 in USA, $30 foreign).
Additional Contacts
Ms Jennie Burke, Australian Biologics, Level 6, 383 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia tel +61 (0)2 9283 0807, fax +61 (0)2 9283 0910. Australian Biologics does tests for mycoplasma.
Consumer Health Organization of Canada, 1220 Sheppard Avenue East #412, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2K 2S5, tel +1 (416) 490 0986, website
Professor Garth Nicholson, PhD, Institute for Molecular Medicine, 15162 Triton Lane, Huntington Beach, CA, 92649-1401, USA, tel +1 (714) 903 2900.
Dr Les Simpson, Red Blood Cell Research Ltd, 31 Bath Street, Dunedin, 9001, New Zealand, tel +64 (0)3 471 8540, email (Note: Dr Simpson directs his study to red cell shape analysis, not the mycoplasma hypothesis.)
The Mycoplasma Registry for Gulf War Illness, S. & L. Dudley, 303 47th St, J-10 San Diego, CA 92102-5961, tel/fax +1 (619) 266 1116, fax (619) 266 1116, email
A Common Disease Agent Weaponised
There are 200 species of Mycoplasma. Most are innocuous and do no harm; only four or five are pathogenic. Mycoplasma fermentans (incognitus strain) probably comes from the nucleus of the Brucella bacterium. This disease agent is not a bacterium and not a virus; it is a mutated form of the Brucella bacterium, combined with a visna virus, from which the mycoplasma is extracted.
The pathogenic Mycoplasma used to be very innocuous, but biological warfare research conducted between 1942 and the present time has resulted in the creation of more deadly and infectious forms of Mycoplasma. Researchers extracted this mycoplasma from the Brucella bacterium and actually reduced the disease to a crystalline form. They “weaponised” it and tested it on an unsuspecting public in North America.
Dr Maurice Hilleman, chief virologist for the pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme, stated that this disease agent is now carried by everybody in North America and possibly most people throughout the world.
Despite reporting flaws, there has clearly been an increased incidence of all the neuro/systemic degenerative diseases since World War II and especially since the 1970s with the arrival of previously unheard-of diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome and AIDS.
According to Dr Shyh-Ching Lo, senior researcher at The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and one of America’s top mycoplasma researchers, this disease agent causes many illnesses including,
chronic fatigue syndrome
Crohn’s colitis
Type I diabetes
multiple sclerosis
Parkinson’s disease
Wegener’s disease
collagen-vascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer’s
Dr Charles Engel, who is with the US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, stated the following at an NIH meeting on February 7, 2000:
“I am now of the view that the probable cause of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia is the mycoplasma…”
I have all the official documents to prove that mycoplasma is the disease agent in chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia as well as in AIDS, multiple sclerosis and many other illnesses. Of these, 80% are US or Canadian official government documents, and 20% are articles from peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of the American Medical Association, New England Journal of Medicine and the Canadian Medical Association Journal. The journal articles and government documents complement each other.
How the Mycoplasma Works
The mycoplasma acts by entering into the individual cells of the body, depending upon your genetic predisposition.
You may develop neurological diseases if the pathogen destroys certain cells in your brain, or you may develop Crohn’s colitis if the pathogen invades and destroys cells in the lower bowel.
Once the mycoplasma gets into the cell, it can lie there doing nothing sometimes for 10, 20 or 30 years, but if a trauma occurs like an accident or a vaccination that doesn’t take, the mycoplasma can become triggered.
Because it is only the DNA particle of the bacterium, it doesn’t have any organelles to process its own nutrients, so it grows by uptaking pre-formed sterols from its host cell and it literally kills the cell; the cell ruptures and what is left gets dumped into the bloodstream.
A Laboratory-Made Disease Agent
Many doctors don’t know about this mycoplasma disease agent because it was developed by the US military in biological warfare experimentation and it was not made public. This pathogen was patented by the United States military and Dr Shyh-Ching Lo. I have a copy of the documented patent from the US Patent Office.1
All the countries at war were experimenting with biological weapons. In 1942, the governments of the United States, Canada and Britain entered into a secret agreement to create two types of biological weapons (one that would kill, and one that was disabling) for use in the war against Germany and Japan, who were also developing biological weapons. While they researched a number of disease pathogens, they primarily focused on the Brucella bacterium and began to weaponise it.
From its inception, the biowarfare program was characterized by continuing in-depth review and participation by the most eminent scientists, medical consultants, industrial experts and government officials, and it was classified Top Secret.
The US Public Health Service also closely followed the progress of biological warfare research and development from the very start of the program, and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States were working with the military in weaponising these diseases. These are diseases that have existed for thousands of years, but they have been weaponised–which means they’ve been made more contagious and more effective. And they are spreading.
The Special Virus Cancer Program, created by the CIA and NIH to develop a deadly pathogen for which humanity had no natural immunity (AIDS), was disguised as a war on cancer but was actually part of MKNAOMI.2 Many members of the Senate and House of Representatives do not know what has been going on.
For example, the US Senate Committee on Government Reform had searched the archives in Washington and other places for the document titled “The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8“, and couldn’t find it. Somehow they heard I had it, called me and asked me to mail it to them. Imagine: a retired schoolteacher being called by the United States Senate and asked for one of their secret documents!
The US Senate, through the Government Reform Committee, is trying to stop this type of government research.
Crystalline Brucella
The title page of a genuine US Senate Study, declassified on February 24, 1977, shows that George Merck, of the pharmaceutical company, Merck Sharp & Dohme (which now makes cures for diseases that at one time it created), reported in 1946 to the US Secretary of War that his researchers had managed “for the first time” to “isolate the disease agent in crystalline form”.3
They had produced a crystalline bacterial toxin extracted from the Brucella bacterium. The bacterial toxin could be removed in crystalline form and stored, transported and deployed without deteriorating. It could be delivered by other vectors such as insects, aerosol or the food chain (in nature it is delivered within the bacterium). But the factor that is working in the Brucella is the mycoplasma.
Brucella is a disease agent that doesn’t kill people; it disables them. But, according to Dr Donald MacArthur of the Pentagon, appearing before a congressional committee in 1969,4 researchers found that if they had mycoplasma at a certain strength –actually, 10 to the 10th power (1010)– it would develop into AIDS, and the person would die from it within a reasonable period of time because it could bypass the natural human defenses. If the strength was 108, the person would manifest with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. If it was 107, they would present as wasting; they wouldn’t die and they wouldn’t be disabled, but they would not be very interested in life; they would waste away.
Most of us have never heard of the disease brucellosis because it largely disappeared when they began pasteurizing milk, which was the carrier. One salt shaker of the pure disease agent in a crystalline form could sicken the entire population of Canada. It is absolutely deadly, not so much in terms of killing the body but disabling it.
Because the crystalline disease agent goes into solution in the blood, ordinary blood and tissue tests will not reveal its presence.
The mycoplasma will only crystallize at 8.1 pH, and the blood has a pH of 7.4 pH. So the doctor thinks your complaint is “all in your head“.
Crystalline Brucella and Multiple Sclerosis
In 1998 in Rochester, New York, I met a former military man, PFC Donald Bentley, who gave me a document and told me:
“I was in the US Army, and I was trained in bacteriological warfare. We were handling a bomb filled with brucellosis, only it wasn’t brucellosis; it was a Brucella toxin in crystalline form. We were spraying it on the Chinese and North Koreans.”
He showed me his certificate listing his training in chemical, biological and radiological warfare. Then he showed me 16 pages of documents given to him by the US military when he was discharged from the service. They linked brucellosis with multiple sclerosis, and stated in one section:
“Veterans with multiple sclerosis, a kind of creeping paralysis developing to a degree of 10% or more disability within two years after separation from active service, may be presumed to be service-connected for disability compensation. Compensation is payable to eligible veterans whose disabilities are due to service.”
In other words: “If you become ill with multiple sclerosis, it is because you were handling this Brucella, and we will give you a pension. Don’t go raising any fuss about it.” In these documents, the government of the United States revealed evidence of the cause of multiple sclerosis, but they didn’t make it known to the public–or to your doctor.
In a 1949 report, Drs Kyger and Haden suggested “the possibility that multiple sclerosis might be a central nervous system manifestation of chronic brucellosis”. Testing approximately 113 MS patients, they found that almost 95% also tested positive for Brucella.5
We have a document from a medical journal, which concludes that one out of 500 people who had brucellosis would develop what they call neurobrucellosis; in other words, brucellosis in the brain, where the Brucella settles in the lateral ventricles –where the disease multiple sclerosis is basically located.6
Contamination of Camp Detrick Lab Workers
A 1948 New England Journal of Medicine report titled “Acute Brucellosis Among Laboratory Workers” shows us how actively dangerous this agent is.7
The laboratory workers were from Camp Detrick, Frederick, Maryland, where they were developing biological weapons. Even though these workers had been vaccinated, wore rubberized suits and masks and worked through holes in the compartment, many of them came down with this awful disease because it is so absolutely and terrifyingly infectious.
The article was written by Lt Calderone Howell, Marine Corps, Captain Edward Miller, Marine Corps, Lt Emily Kelly, United States Naval Reserve, and Captain Henry Bookman.
They were all military personnel engaged in making the disease agent Brucella into a more effective biological weapon.
Testing the Dispersal Methods
Documented evidence proves that the biological weapons they were developing were tested on the public in various communities without their knowledge or consent.
The government knew that crystalline Brucella would cause disease in humans. Now they needed to determine how it would spread and the best way to disperse it. They tested dispersal methods for Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, in June and September 1952. Probably, 100% of us now are infected with Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis.8
Another government document recommended the genesis of open-air vulnerability tests and covert research and development programs to be conducted by the Army and supported by the Central Intelligence Agency.
At that time, the Government of Canada was asked by the US Government to cooperate in testing weaponised Brucella, and Canada cooperated fully with the United States. The US Government wanted to determine whether mosquitoes would carry the disease and also if the air would carry it. A government report stated that,
“open-air testing of infectious biological agents is considered essential to an ultimate understanding of biological warfare potentialities because of the many unknown factors affecting the degradation of micro-organisms in the atmosphere”.9
Testing via Mosquito Vector in Punta Gorda, Florida
A report from The New England Journal of Medicine reveals that one of the first outbreaks of chronic fatigue syndrome was in Punta Gorda, Florida, back in 1957.10 It was a strange coincidence that a week before these people came down with chronic fatigue syndrome, there was a huge influx of mosquitoes.
The National Institutes of Health claimed that the mosquitoes came from a forest fire 30 miles away. The truth is that those mosquitoes were infected in Canada by Dr Guilford B. Reed at Queen’s University. They were bred in Belleville, Ontario, and taken down to Punta Gorda and released there.
Within a week, the first five cases ever of chronic fatigue syndrome were reported to the local clinic in Punta Gorda. The cases kept coming until finally 450 people were ill with the disease.
Testing via Mosquito Vector in Ontario
The Government of Canada had established the Dominion Parasite Laboratory in Belleville, Ontario, where it raised 100 million mosquitoes a month. These were shipped to Queen’s University and certain other facilities to be infected with this crystalline disease agent. The mosquitoes were then let loose in certain communities in the middle of the night, so that the researchers could determine how many people would become ill with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia, which was the first disease to show.
One of the communities they tested it on was the St Lawrence Seaway valley, all the way from Kingston to Cornwall, in 1984. They let out hundreds of millions of infected mosquitoes. Over 700 people in the next four or five weeks developed myalgic encephalomyelitis, or chronic fatigue syndrome.
Mad Cow Disease/Kuru/CJD in the Fore Tribe
Before and during World War II, at the infamous Camp 731 in Manchuria, the Japanese military contaminated prisoners of war with certain disease agents.
They also established a research camp in New Guinea in 1942. There they experimented upon the Fore Indian tribe and inoculated them with a minced-up version of the brains of diseased sheep containing the visna virus which causes “mad cow disease” or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
About five or six years later, after the Japanese had been driven out, the poor people of the Fore tribe developed what they called kuru, which was their word for “wasting”, and they began to shake, lose their appetites and die. The autopsies revealed that their brains had literally turned to mush. They had contracted “mad cow disease” from the Japanese experiments.
When World War II ended, Dr Ishii Shiro –the medical doctor who was commissioned as a General in the Japanese Army so he could take command of Japan’s biological warfare development, testing and deployment– was captured. He was given the choice of a job with the United States Army or execution as a war criminal. Not surprisingly, Dr Ishii Shiro chose to work with the US military to demonstrate how the Japanese had created mad cow disease in the Fore Indian tribe.
In 1957, when the disease was beginning to blossom in full among the Fore people, Dr Carleton Gajdusek of the US National Institutes of Health headed to New Guinea to determine how the minced-up brains of the visna-infected sheep affected them. He spent a couple of years there, studying the Fore people, and wrote an extensive report.
He won the Nobel Prize for “discovering” kuru disease in the Fore tribe.
Testing Carcinogens over Winnipeg, Manitoba
In 1953, the US Government asked the Canadian Government if it could test a chemical over the city of Winnipeg. It was a big city with 500,000 people, miles from anywhere. The American military sprayed this carcinogenic chemical in a 1,000%-attenuated form, which they said would be so watered down that nobody would get very sick; however, if people came to clinics with a sniffle, a sore throat or ringing in their ears, the researchers would be able to determine what percentage would have developed cancer if the chemical had been used at full strength.
We located evidence that the Americans had indeed tested this carcinogenic chemical –zinc cadmium sulphide– over Winnipeg in 1953. We wrote to the Government of Canada, explaining that we had solid evidence of the spraying and asking that we be informed as to how high up in the government the request for permission to spray had gone. We did not receive a reply.
Shortly after, the Pentagon held a press conference on May 14, 1997, where they admitted what they had done. Robert Russo, writing for the Toronto Star11 from Washington, DC, reported the Pentagon’s admission that in 1953 it had obtained permission from the Canadian Government to fly over the city of Winnipeg and spray out this chemical –which sifted down on kids going to school, housewives hanging out their laundry and people going to work.
US Army planes and trucks released the chemical 36 times between July and August 1953. The Pentagon got its statistics, which indicated that if the chemical released had been full strength, approximately a third of the population of Winnipeg would have developed cancers over the next five years.
One professor, Dr Hugh Fudenberg, MD, twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, wrote a magazine article stating that the Pentagon came clean on this because two researchers in Sudbury, Ontario –Don Scott and his son, Bill Scott– had been revealing this to the public. However, the legwork was done by other researchers!
The US Army actually conducted a series of simulated germ warfare tests over Winnipeg. The Pentagon lied about the tests to the mayor, saying that they were testing a chemical fog over the city, which would protect Winnipeg in the event of a nuclear attack.
A report commissioned by US Congress, chaired by Dr Rogene Henderson, lists 32 American towns and cities used as test sites as well.
The AIDS pathogen was created out of a Brucella bacterium mutated with a visna virus; then the toxin was removed as a DNA particle called a mycoplasma. They used the same mycoplasma to develop disabling diseases like MS, Crohn’s colitis, Lyme disease, etc.
In the previously mentioned US congressional document of a meeting held on June 9, 1969, 12 the Pentagon delivered a report to Congress about biological weapons. The Pentagon stated: “We are continuing to develop disabling weapons.” Dr MacArthur, who was in charge of the research, said: “We are developing a new lethal weapon, a synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist, and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.”
Think about it. If you have a deficiency of acquired immunity, you have an acquired immunity deficiency. Plain as that. AIDS.
In laboratories throughout the United States and in a certain number in Canada including at the University of Alberta, the US Government provided the leadership for the development of AIDS for the purpose of population control. After the scientists had perfected it, the government sent medical teams from the Centers for Disease Control–under the direction of Dr Donald A. Henderson, their investigator into the 1957 chronic fatigue epidemic in Punta Gorda – during 1969 to 1971 to Africa and some countries such as India, Nepal and Pakistan where they thought the population was becoming too large.13 They gave them all a free vaccination against smallpox; but five years after receiving this vaccination, 60% of those inoculated were suffering from AIDS. They tried to blame it on a monkey, which is nonsense.
A professor at the University of Arkansas made the claim that while studying the tissues of a dead chimpanzee she found traces of HIV. The chimpanzee that she had tested was born in the United States 23 years earlier. It had lived its entire life in a US military laboratory where it was used as an experimental animal in the development of these diseases.
When it died, its body was shipped to a storage place where it was deep-frozen and stored in case they wanted to analyze it later. Then they decided that they didn’t have enough space for it, so they said, “Anybody want this dead chimpanzee?” and this researcher from Arkansas said: “Yes. Send it down to the University of Arkansas. We are happy to get anything that we can get.” They shipped it down and she found HIV in it.
That virus was acquired by that chimpanzee in the laboratories where it was tested.14
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Chronic fatigue syndrome is more accurately called myalgic encephalomyelitis. The chronic fatigue syndrome nomenclature was given by the US National Institutes of Health because it wanted to downgrade and belittle the disease.
An MRI scan of the brain of a teenage girl with chronic fatigue syndrome displayed a great many scars or punctate lesions in the left frontal lobe area where portions of the brain had literally dissolved and been replaced by scar tissue. This caused cognitive impairment, memory impairment, etc. And what was the cause of the scarring? The mycoplasma. So there is very concrete physical evidence of these tragic diseases, even though doctors continue to say they don’t know where it comes from or what they can do about it.
Many people with chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalo-myelitis and fibromyalgia who apply to the Canada Pensions Plan Review Tribunal will be turned down because they cannot prove that they are ill. During 1999 I conducted several appeals to Canada Pensions and the Workers Compensation Board (WCB, now the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board) on behalf of people who have been turned down. I provided documented evidence of these illnesses, and these people were all granted their pensions on the basis of the evidence that I provided.
In March 1999, for example, I appealed to the WCB on behalf of a lady with fibromyalgia who had been denied her pension back in 1993. The vice-chairman of the board came to Sudbury to hear the appeal, and I showed him a number of documents which proved that this lady was physically ill with fibromyalgia. It was a disease that caused physical damage, and the disease agent was a mycoplasma.
The guy listened for three hours, and then he said to me:
“Mr Scott, how is it I have never heard of any of this before? I said: “We brought a top authority in this area into Sudbury to speak on this subject and not a single solitary doctor came to that presentation.”
Polymerase Chain Reaction Test
Information is not generally available about this agent because, first of all, the mycoplasma is such a minutely small disease agent. A hundred years ago, certain medical theoreticians conceived that there must be a form of disease agent smaller than bacteria and viruses. This pathogenic organism, the mycoplasma, is so minute that normal blood and tissue tests will not reveal its presence as the source of the disease.
Your doctor may diagnose you with Alzheimer’s disease, and he will say:
“Golly, we don’t know where Alzheimer’s comes from. All we know is that your brain begins to deteriorate, cells rupture, the myelin sheath around the nerves dissolves, and so on.”
Or if you have chronic fatigue syndrome, the doctor will not be able to find any cause for your illness with ordinary blood and tissue tests.
This mycoplasma couldn’t be detected until about 30 years ago when the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test was developed, in which a sample of your blood is examined and damaged particles are removed and subjected to a polymerase chain reaction. This causes the DNA in the particles to break down. The particles are then placed in a nutrient, which causes the DNA to grow back into its original form.
If enough of the substance is produced, the form can be recognized, so it can be determined whether Brucella or another kind of agent is behind that particular mycoplasma.
Blood Test
If you or anybody in your family has myalgic encephalomyelitis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s, you can send a blood sample to Dr Les Simpson in New Zealand for testing.
If you are ill with these diseases, your red blood cells will not be normal doughnut-shaped blood cells capable of being compressed and squeezed through the capillaries, but will swell up like cherry-filled doughnuts which cannot be compressed. The blood cells become enlarged and distended because the only way the mycoplasma can exist is by uptaking pre-formed sterols from the host cell.
One of the best sources of pre-formed sterols is cholesterol, and cholesterol is what gives your blood cells flexibility. If the cholesterol is taken out by the mycoplasma, the red blood cell swells up and doesn’t go through, and the person begins to feel all the aches and pains and all the damage it causes to the brain, the heart, the stomach, the feet and the whole body because blood and oxygen are cut off.
And that is why people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome have such a terrible time. When the blood is cut off from the brain, punctate lesions appear because those parts of the brain die. The mycoplasma will get into portions of the heart muscle, especially the left ventricle, and those cells will die.
Certain people have cells in the lateral ventricles of the brain that have a genetic predisposition to admit the mycoplasma, and this causes the lateral ventricles to deteriorate and die. This leads to multiple sclerosis, which will progress until these people are totally disabled; frequently, they die prematurely. The mycoplasma will get into the lower bowel, parts of which will die, thus causing colitis. All of these diseases are caused by the degenerating properties of the mycoplasma.
In early 2000, a gentleman in Sudbury phoned me and told me he had fibromyalgia. He applied for a pension and was turned down because his doctor said it was all in his head and there was no external evidence. I gave him the proper form and a vial, and he sent his blood to Dr Simpson to be tested.
He did this with his family doctor’s approval, and the results from Dr Simpson showed that only 4% of his red blood cells were functioning normally and carrying the appropriate amount of oxygen to his poor body, whereas 83% were distended, enlarged and hardened, and wouldn’t go through the capillaries without an awful lot of pressure and trouble. This is the physical evidence of the damage that is done.
ECG Test
You can also ask your doctor to give you a 24-hour Holter ECG. You know, of course, that an electrocardiogram is a measure of your heartbeat and shows what is going on in the right ventricle, the left ventricle and so on. Tests show that 100% of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia have an irregular heartbeat.
At various periods during the 24 hours, the heart, instead of working happily away going “bump-BUMP, bump-BUMP”, every now and again goes “buhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuh”. The T-wave (the waves are called P, Q, R, S and T) is normally a peak, and then the wave levels off and starts with the P-wave again. In chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia patients, the T-wave flattens off, or actually inverts. That means the blood in the left ventricle is not being squeezed up through the aorta and around through the body.
My client from Sudbury had this test done and, lo and behold, the results stated: “The shape of T and S-T suggests left ventricle strain pattern, although voltage and so on is normal.” The doctor had no clue as to why the T-wave was not working properly. I analyzed the report of this patient who had been turned down by Canada Pensions and sent it back to them.
They wrote back, saying:
“It looks like we may have made a mistake. We are going to give you a hearing and you can explain this to us in more detail.”
So it is not all in your imagination. There is actual physical damage to the heart. The left ventricle muscles do show scarring. That is why many people are diagnosed with a heart condition when they first develop fibromyalgia, but it’s only one of several problems because the mycoplasma can do all kinds of damage.
Blood Volume Test
You can also ask your doctor for a blood volume test. Every human being requires a certain amount of blood per pound of body weight, and it has been observed that people with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis and other illnesses do not have the normal blood volume their body needs to function properly. Doctors aren’t normally aware of this.
This test measures the amount of blood in the human body by taking out 5 cc, putting a tracer in it and then putting it back into the body. One hour later, take out 5 cc again and look for the tracer. The thicker the blood and the lower the blood volume, the more tracer you will find.
The analysis of one of my clients stated:
“This patient was referred for red cell mass study. The red cell volume is 16.9 ml per kg of body weight. The normal range is 25 to 35 ml per kg. This guy has 36% less blood in his body than the body needs to function.”
And the doctor hadn’t even known the test existed.
If you lost 36% of your blood in an accident, do you think your doctor would tell you that you are alright and should just take up line dancing and get over it? They would rush you to the nearest hospital and start transfusing you with blood.
These tragic people with these awful diseases are functioning with anywhere from 7% to 50% less blood than their body needs to function.
The body undoes the damage itself. The scarring in the brain of people with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia will be repaired. There is cellular repair going on all the time. But the mycoplasma has moved on to the next cell.
In the early stages of a disease, doxycycline may reverse that disease process. It is one of the tetracycline antibiotics, but it is not bactericidal; it is bacteriostatic –it stops the growth of the mycoplasma. And if the mycoplasma growth can be stopped for long enough, then the immune system takes over.
Doxycycline treatment is discussed in a paper by mycoplasma expert Professor Garth Nicholson, PhD, of the Institute for Molecular Medicine.15 Dr Nicholson is involved in a US$8-million mycoplasma research program funded by the US military and headed by Dr Charles Engel of the NIH.
The program is studying Gulf War veterans, 450 of them, because there is evidence to suggest that Gulf War syndrome is another illness (or set of illnesses) caused by mycoplasma.
1. “Pathogenic Mycoplasma”, US Patent No. 5,242,820, issued September 7, 1993. Dr Lo is listed as the “Inventor” and the American Registry of Pathology, Washington, DC, is listed as the “Assignee”.
2. “Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8″, prepared by the National Cancer Institute, Viral Oncology, Etiology Area, July 1971, submitted to NIH Annual Report in May 1971 and updated July 1971.
3. US Senate, Ninety-fifth Congress, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, Biological Testing Involving Human Subjects by the Department of Defense, 1977; released as US Army Activities in the US Biological Warfare Programs, Volumes One and Two, 24 February 1977.
4. Dr Donald MacArthur, Pentagon, Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970, Hearings before Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Ninety-First Congress, First Session, Monday June 9, 1969, pp 105-144, esp. pp. 114, 129.
5. Kyger, E. R. and Russell L. Haden, “Brucellosis and Multiple Sclerosis”, The American Journal of Medical Sciences 1949:689-693.
6. Colmonero et al., “Complications Associated with Brucella melitensis Infection: A Study of 530 Cases”, Medicine 1996;75(4).
7. Howell, Miller, Kelly and Bookman, “Acute Brucellosis Among Laboratory Workers”, New England Journal of Medicine 1948;236:741.
8. “Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8″, ibid., table 4, p. 135.
9. US Senate, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, March 8 and May 23, 1977, ibid.
10. New England Journal of Medicine, August 22, 1957, p. 362.
11. Toronto Star, May 15, 1997.
12. Dr Donald MacArthur, Pentagon, Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970, Hearings, Monday June 9, 1969, ibid., p. 129.
13. Henderson, Donald A., “Smallpox: Epitaph for a Killer”, National Geographic, December 1978, p. 804.
14. Blum, Deborah, The Monkey Wars, Oxford University Press, New York, 1994.
15. Nicholson, G. L., “Doxycycline treatment and Desert Storm”, JAMA 1995;273:618-619.
Recommended Reading
Horowitz, Leonard, Emerging Viruses – AIDS and Evola, 1996.
Johnson, Hillary, Osler’s Web, Crown Publishers, New York, 1996.
Scott, Donald W. and William L. C. Scott, The Brucellosis Triangle, The Chelmsford Publishers (Box 133, Stat. B., Sudbury, Ontario P3E 4N5), Canada, 1998 (US$21.95 + $3 s&h in US).
Scott, Donald W. and William L. C. Scott, The Extremely Unfortunate Skull Valley Incident, The Chelmsford Publishers, Canada, 1996 (revised, extended edition available from mid-September 2001; US$16.00 pre-pub. price + US$3 s&h in US).
The Journal of Degenerative Diseases (Donald W. Scott, Editor), The Common Cause Medical Research Foundation (Box 133, Stat B., Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 4N5), Canada (quarterly journal; annual subscription: US$25.00 in USA, $30 foreign).
Additional Contacts
Ms Jennie Burke, Australian Biologics, Level 6, 383 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia tel +61 (0)2 9283 0807, fax +61 (0)2 9283 0910. Australian Biologics does tests for mycoplasma.
Consumer Health Organization of Canada, 1220 Sheppard Avenue East #412, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M2K 2S5, tel +1 (416) 490 0986, website
Professor Garth Nicholson, PhD, Institute for Molecular Medicine, 15162 Triton Lane, Huntington Beach, CA, 92649-1401, USA, tel +1 (714) 903 2900.
Dr Les Simpson, Red Blood Cell Research Ltd, 31 Bath Street, Dunedin, 9001, New Zealand, tel +64 (0)3 471 8540, email (Note: Dr Simpson directs his study to red cell shape analysis, not the mycoplasma hypothesis.)
The Mycoplasma Registry for Gulf War Illness, S. & L. Dudley, 303 47th St, J-10 San Diego, CA 92102-5961, tel/fax +1 (619) 266 1116, fax (619) 266 1116, email
Please make the time to inform yourself so you will know what to expect. Apparently this spraying is not going to go away and it appears that in fact it is intended to get worse.
California will be having a HUGE meeting. All are invited. I believe it will be sometime in AUGUST but I will post the details when I find them. I think it will be in the San Diego Area, not 100% sure. In the case, you have the dates and location:::: PLEASE POST for us....!!!
Please make the time to inform yourself so you will know what to expect. Apparently this spraying is not going to go away and it appears that in fact it is intended to get worse.
California will be having a HUGE meeting. All are invited. I believe it will be sometime in AUGUST but I will post the details when I find them. I think it will be in the San Diego Area, not 100% sure. In the case, you have the dates and location:::: PLEASE POST for us....!!!
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